([([256, 0, 0, [[[u'AppleScript Suite', u'Standard terms for AppleScript', 'ascr', 1, 1, [[u'activate', u'Bring the targeted application program to the front', 'misc', 'actv', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 36864], []], [u'log', u'Cause a comment to be logged', 'ascr', 'cmnt', ['null', u'', 32768], ['TEXT', u'', 4096], []], [u'stop log', u'Stop event logging in the script editor', 'ToyS', 'log0', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 32768], []], [u'start log', u'Start event logging in the script editor', 'ToyS', 'log1', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 32768], []], [u'idle', u'Sent to a script application when it is idle', 'misc', 'idle', ['nmbr', u'the number of seconds to wait for next idle event', 0], ['null', u'', 36864], []], [u'launch', u'Start an application for scripting', 'ascr', 'noop', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 36864], []], [u'tell', u'Record or log a \u2018tell\u2019 statement', 'ascr', 'tell', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'end tell', u'Record or log an \u2018end tell\u2019 statement', 'ascr', 'tend', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 32768], []], [u'error', u'Raise an error', 'ascr', 'err ', ['null', u'', 32768], ['****', u'', 36864], [[u'number', 'errn', ['shor', u'an error number', 32768]], [u'partial result', 'ptlr', ['list', u'any partial result occurring before the error', 32768]], [u'from', 'erob', ['****', u'the object that caused the error', 32768]], [u'to', 'errt', ['****', u'the desired class for a failed coercion', 32768]]]], [u'Call\u2022subroutine', u'A subroutine call', 'ascr', 'psbr', ['****', u'', 0], ['****', u'', 36864], [[u'at', 'at ', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'from', 'from', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'for', 'for ', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'to', 'to ', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'thru', 'thru', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'through', 'thgh', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'by', 'by ', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'on', 'on ', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'into', 'into', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'onto', 'onto', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'between', 'btwn', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'against', 'agst', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'out of', 'outo', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'instead of', 'isto', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'aside from', 'asdf', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'around', 'arnd', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'beside', 'bsid', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'beneath', 'bnth', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'under', 'undr', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'over', 'over', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'above', 'abve', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'below', 'belw', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'apart from', 'aprt', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'about', 'abou', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'since', 'snce', ['****', u'a preposition', 32768]], [u'given', 'givn', ['****', u'parameter:value pairs, comma-separated', 32768]], [u'with', 'with', ['type', u'formal parameter set to true if matching actual parameter is provided', 32768]], [u'without', 'wout', ['type', u'formal parameter set to false if matching actual parmeter is provided', 32768]]]], [u'=', u'Equality', 'ascr', '= ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'\u2260', u'Inequality', 'ascr', '\xad ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'+', u'Addition', 'ascr', '+ ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'-', u'Subtraction', 'ascr', '- ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'*', u'Multiplication', 'ascr', '* ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'\xf7', u'Division', 'ascr', '/ ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'div', u'Quotient', 'ascr', 'div ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'mod', u'Remainder', 'ascr', 'mod ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'^', u'Exponentiation', 'ascr', '^ ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'>', u'Greater than', 'ascr', '> ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'\u2265', u'Greater than or equal to', 'ascr', '>= ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'<', u'Less than', 'ascr', '< ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'\u2264', u'Less than or equal to', 'ascr', '<= ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'&', u'Concatenation', 'ascr', 'ccat', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'starts with', u'Starts with', 'ascr', 'bgwt', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'ends with', u'Ends with', 'ascr', 'ends', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'contains', u'Containment', 'ascr', 'cont', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'and', u'Logical conjunction', 'ascr', 'AND ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'or', u'Logical disjunction', 'ascr', 'OR ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'as', u'Coercion', 'ascr', 'coer', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'not', u'Logical negation', 'ascr', 'NOT ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []], [u'negate', u'Numeric negation', 'ascr', 'neg ', ['****', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'', 4096], []]], [[u'boolean', 'bool', u'A true or false value', [], []], [u'booleans', 'bool', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'integer', 'long', u'An integral number', [], []], [u'integers', 'long', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'real', 'doub', u'A real number', [], []], [u'reals', 'doub', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'number', 'nmbr', u'an integer or real number', [], []], [u'numbers', 'nmbr', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'list', 'list', u'An ordered collection of items', [[u'length', 'leng', ['long', u'the length of a list', 0]], [u'reverse', 'rvse', ['list', u'the items of the list in reverse order', 0]], [u'rest', 'rest', ['list', u'all items of the list excluding first', 0]]], []], [u'lists', 'list', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'linked list', 'llst', u'An ordered collection of items', [[u'length', 'leng', ['long', u'the length of a list', 0]]], []], [u'linked lists', 'llst', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'vector', 'vect', u'An ordered collection of items', [[u'length', 'leng', ['long', u'the length of a list', 0]]], []], [u'vectors', 'vect', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'record', 'reco', u'A set of labeled items', [], []], [u'records', 'reco', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'item', 'cobj', u'An item of any type', [[u'id', 'ID ', ['long', u'the unique ID number of this object', 4096]]], []], [u'items', 'cobj', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'script', 'scpt', u'An AppleScript script', [[u'name', 'pnam', ['TEXT', u'the name of the script', 0]], [u'parent', 'pare', ['scpt', u'its parent, i.e. the script that will handle events that this script doesn\u2019t', 0]]], []], [u'scripts', 'scpt', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'list or record', 'lr ', u'a list or record', [], []], [u'list or string', 'ls ', u'a list or string', [], []], [u'number or string', 'ns ', u'a number or string', [], []], [u'alias or string', 'sf ', u'an alias or string', [], []], [u'list, record or text', 'lrs ', u'a list, record or text', [], []], [u'number or date', 'nd ', u'a number or date', [], []], [u'number, date or text', 'nds ', u'a number, date or text', [], []], [u'class', 'pcls', u'the type of a value', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['type', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 0]]], []], [u'classes', 'pcls', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'event', 'evnt', u'an AppleEvents event', [], []], [u'events', 'evnt', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'property', 'prop', u'an AppleEvents property', [], []], [u'properties', 'prop', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'constant', 'enum', u'A constant value', [], []], [u'constants', 'enum', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'preposition', 'prep', u'an AppleEvents preposition', [], []], [u'prepositions', 'prep', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'reference form', 'kfrm', u'an AppleEvents key form', [], []], [u'reference forms', 'kfrm', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'handler', 'hand', u'an AppleScript event or subroutine handler', [], []], [u'handlers', 'hand', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'data', 'rdat', u'an AppleScript raw data object', [], []], [u'text', 'ctxt', u'text with language and style information', [], []], [u'international text', 'itxt', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'international text', 'itxt', u'text that begins with a writing code', [], []], [u'string', 'TEXT', u'text in 8-bit Macintosh Roman format', [], []], [u'strings', 'TEXT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'styled text', 'STXT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'styled text', 'STXT', u'text with font, size, and style information', [], []], [u'styled Clipboard text', 'styl', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'styled Clipboard text', 'styl', u'clipboard text with font, size, and style information', [], []], [u'Unicode text', 'utxt', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'Unicode text', 'utxt', u'text in the Unicode format (cannot be viewed without conversion)', [], []], [u'styled Unicode text', 'sutx', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'styled Unicode text', 'sutx', u'styled text in the Unicode format', [], []], [u'encoded string', 'encs', u'text encoded using the Text Encoding Converter', [], []], [u'encoded strings', 'encs', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'C string', 'cstr', u'text followed by a null', [], []], [u'C strings', 'cstr', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'Pascal string', 'pstr', u'text up to 255 characters preceded by a length byte', [], []], [u'Pascal strings', 'pstr', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'character', 'cha ', u'an individual text character', [], []], [u'characters', 'cha ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'text item', 'citm', u'text between delimiters', [], []], [u'text items', 'citm', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'writing code', 'psct', u'codes that identify the language and script system', [], []], [u'writing code info', 'citl', u'script code and language code of text run', [[u'script code', 'pscd', ['shor', u'the script code for the text', 0]], [u'language code', 'plcd', ['shor', u'the language code for the text', 0]]], []], [u'writing code infos', 'citl', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'', 'undf', u'the undefined value', [], []], [u'missing value', 'msng', u'unavailable value, such as properties missing from heterogeneous classes in a Whose clause', [], []], [u'missing values', 'msng', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'reference', 'obj ', u'an AppleScript reference', [], []], [u'references', 'obj ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'anything', '****', u'any class or reference', [], []], [u'type class', 'type', u'the name of a particular class (or any four-character code)', [], []], [u'RGB color', 'cRGB', u'Three integers specifying red, green, blue color values', [], []], [u'RGB colors', 'cRGB', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'picture', 'PICT', u'A QuickDraw picture object', [], []], [u'pictures', 'PICT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'sound', 'snd ', u'a sound object on the clipboard', [], []], [u'sounds', 'snd ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'version', 'vers', u'a version value', [], []], [u'file specification', 'fss ', u'a file specification as used by the operating system', [[u'POSIX path', 'psxp', ['TEXT', u'the POSIX path of the file', 0]]], []], [u'file specifications', 'fss ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'alias', 'alis', u'a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script.', [[u'POSIX path', 'psxp', ['TEXT', u'the POSIX path of the file', 0]]], []], [u'aliases', 'alis', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'machine', 'mach', u'a computer', [], []], [u'machines', 'mach', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'keystroke', 'kprs', u'a press of a key combination on a Macintosh keyboard', [[u'key', 'kMsg', ['cha ', u'the character for the key was pressed (ignoring modifiers)', 4096]], [u'modifiers', 'kMod', ['eMds', u'the modifier keys pressed in combination', 28672]], [u'key kind', 'kknd', ['ekst', u'the kind of key that was pressed', 12288]]], []], [u'keystrokes', 'kprs', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'seconds', 'scnd', u'more than one second', [], []], [u'date', 'ldt ', u'Absolute date and time values', [[u'weekday', 'wkdy', ['wkdy', u'the day of a week of a date', 0]], [u'month', 'mnth', ['mnth', u'the month of a date', 0]], [u'day', 'day ', ['long', u'the day of the month of a date', 0]], [u'year', 'year', ['long', u'the year of a date', 0]], [u'time', 'time', ['long', u'the time since midnight of a date', 0]], [u'date string', 'dstr', ['TEXT', u'the date portion of a date-time value as text', 0]], [u'short date string', 'shdt', ['TEXT', u'the date portion of a date-time value as text', 0]], [u'time string', 'tstr', ['TEXT', u'the time portion of a date-time value as text', 0]]], []], [u'dates', 'ldt ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'month', 'mnth', u'a month', [], []], [u'months', 'mnth', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'January', 'jan ', u'the month of January', [], []], [u'February', 'feb ', u'the month of February', [], []], [u'March', 'mar ', u'the month of March', [], []], [u'April', 'apr ', u'the month of April', [], []], [u'May', 'may ', u'the month of May', [], []], [u'June', 'jun ', u'the month of June', [], []], [u'July', 'jul ', u'the month of July', [], []], [u'August', 'aug ', u'the month of August', [], []], [u'September', 'sep ', u'the month of September', [], []], [u'October', 'oct ', u'the month of October', [], []], [u'November', 'nov ', u'the month of November', [], []], [u'December', 'dec ', u'the month of December', [], []], [u'weekday', 'wkdy', u'a weekday', [], []], [u'weekdays', 'wkdy', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'Sunday', 'sun ', u'Sunday', [], []], [u'Monday', 'mon ', u'Monday', [], []], [u'Tuesday', 'tue ', u'Tuesday', [], []], [u'Wednesday', 'wed ', u'Wednesday', [], []], [u'Thursday', 'thu ', u'Thursday', [], []], [u'Friday', 'fri ', u'Friday', [], []], [u'Saturday', 'sat ', u'Saturday', [], []], [u'metres', 'metr', u'a distance measurement in SI meters', [], []], [u'meters', 'metr', u'a distance measurement in SI meters', [], []], [u'inches', 'inch', u'a distance measurement in Imperial inches', [], []], [u'feet', 'feet', u'a distance measurement in Imperial feet', [], []], [u'yards', 'yard', u'a distance measurement in Imperial yards', [], []], [u'miles', 'mile', u'a distance measurement in Imperial miles', [], []], [u'kilometres', 'kmtr', u'a distance measurement in SI kilometers', [], []], [u'kilometers', 'kmtr', u'a distance measurement in SI kilometers', [], []], [u'centimetres', 'cmtr', u'a distance measurement in SI centimeters', [], []], [u'centimeters', 'cmtr', u'a distance measurement in SI centimeters', [], []], [u'square metres', 'sqrm', u'an area measurement in SI square meters', [], []], [u'square meters', 'sqrm', u'an area measurement in SI square meters', [], []], [u'square feet', 'sqft', u'an area measurement in Imperial square feet', [], []], [u'square yards', 'sqyd', u'an area measurement in Imperial square yards', [], []], [u'square miles', 'sqmi', u'an area measurement in Imperial square miles', [], []], [u'square kilometres', 'sqkm', u'an area measurement in SI square kilometers', [], []], [u'square kilometers', 'sqkm', u'an area measurement in SI square kilometers', [], []], [u'litres', 'litr', u'a volume measurement in SI liters', [], []], [u'liters', 'litr', u'a volume measurement in SI liters', [], []], [u'gallons', 'galn', u'a volume measurement in Imperial gallons', [], []], [u'quarts', 'qrts', u'a volume measurement in Imperial quarts', [], []], [u'cubic metres', 'cmet', u'a volume measurement in SI cubic meters', [], []], [u'cubic meters', 'cmet', u'a volume measurement in SI cubic meters', [], []], [u'cubic centimetres', 'ccmt', u'a volume measurement in SI cubic centimeters', [], []], [u'cubic centimeters', 'ccmt', u'a volume measurement in SI cubic centimeters', [], []], [u'cubic feet', 'cfet', u'a volume measurement in Imperial cubic feet', [], []], [u'cubic inches', 'cuin', u'a volume measurement in Imperial cubic inches', [], []], [u'cubic yards', 'cyrd', u'a distance measurement in Imperial cubic yards', [], []], [u'kilograms', 'kgrm', u'a mass measurement in SI kilograms', [], []], [u'grams', 'gram', u'a mass measurement in SI meters', [], []], [u'ounces', 'ozs ', u'a weight measurement in SI meters', [], []], [u'pounds', 'lbs ', u'a weight measurement in SI meters', [], []], [u'degrees Celsius', 'degc', u'a temperature measurement in SI degrees Celsius', [], []], [u'degrees Fahrenheit', 'degf', u'a temperature measurement in degrees Fahrenheit', [], []], [u'degrees Kelvin', 'degk', u'a temperature measurement in degrees Kelvin', [], []], [u'upper case', 'case', u'Text with lower case converted to upper case', [], []], [u'app', 'capp', u'Short name for application', [], []], [u'application', 'capp', u'specifies global properties of AppleScript', [[u'result', 'rslt', ['****', u'the last result of evaluation', 0]], [u'space', 'spac', ['cha ', u'a space character', 0]], [u'return', 'ret ', ['cha ', u'a return character', 0]], [u'tab', 'tab ', ['cha ', u'a tab character', 0]], [u'minutes', 'min ', ['long', u'the number of seconds in a minute', 0]], [u'hours', 'hour', ['long', u'the number of seconds in an hour', 0]], [u'days', 'days', ['long', u'the number of seconds in a day', 0]], [u'weeks', 'week', ['long', u'the number of seconds in a week', 0]], [u'pi', 'pi ', ['doub', u'the constant pi', 0]], [u'print length', 'prln', ['long', u'the maximum length to print', 0]], [u'print depth', 'prdp', ['long', u'the maximum depth to print', 0]], [u'text item delimiters', 'txdl', ['list', u'the text item delimiters of a string', 0]], [u'AppleScript', 'ascr', ['scpt', u'the top-level script object', 0]]], []], [u'applications', 'capp', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [], [['cons', [[u'case', 'case', u'case'], [u'diacriticals', 'diac', u'diacriticals'], [u'white space', 'whit', u'white space'], [u'hyphens', 'hyph', u'hyphens'], [u'expansion', 'expa', u'expansion'], [u'punctuation', 'punc', u'punctuation'], [u'application responses', 'rmte', u'remote event replies']]], ['boov', [[u'true', 'true', u'the true boolean value'], [u'false', 'fals', u'the false boolean value']]], ['misc', [[u'current application', 'cura', u'the current application']]], ['eMds', [[u'option down', 'Kopt', u''], [u'command down', 'Kcmd', u''], [u'control down', 'Kctl', u''], [u'shift down', 'Ksft', u''], [u'caps lock down', 'Kclk', u'']]], ['ekst', [[u'escape key', 'ks5\x00', u''], [u'delete key', 'ks3\x00', u''], [u'tab key', 'ks0\x00', u''], [u'return key', 'ks$\x00', u''], [u'clear key', 'ksG\x00', u''], [u'enter key', 'ksL\x00', u''], [u'up arrow key', 'ks~\x00', u''], [u'down arrow key', 'ks}\x00', u''], [u'left arrow key', 'ks{\x00', u''], [u'right arrow key', 'ks|\x00', u''], [u'help key', 'ksr\x00', u''], [u'home key', 'kss\x00', u''], [u'page up key', 'kst\x00', u''], [u'page down key', 'ksy\x00', u''], [u'forward del key', 'ksu\x00', u''], [u'end key', 'ksw\x00', u''], [u'F1 key', 'ksz\x00', u''], [u'F2 key', 'ksx\x00', u''], [u'F3 key', 'ksc\x00', u''], [u'F4 key', 'ksv\x00', u''], [u'F5 key', 'ks`\x00', u''], [u'F6 key', 'ksa\x00', u''], [u'F7 key', 'ksb\x00', u''], [u'F8 key', 'ksd\x00', u''], [u'F9 key', 'kse\x00', u''], [u'F10 key', 'ksm\x00', u''], [u'F11 key', 'ksg\x00', u''], [u'F12 key', 'kso\x00', u''], [u'F13 key', 'ksi\x00', u''], [u'F14 key', 'ksk\x00', u''], [u'F15 key', 'ksq\x00', u'']]]]], [u'Required Suite', u'Every application supports open, print, run, and quit', 'reqd', 1, 1, [], [], [], []], [u'Standard Suite', u'Common terms for most applications', 'core', 1, 1, [[u'open', u'Open the specified object(s)', 'aevt', 'odoc', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'list of objects to open', 4096], []], [u'run', u'Run an application. Most applications will open an empty, untitled window.', 'aevt', 'oapp', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'no direct parameter required', 36864], []], [u'reopen', u'Reactivate a running application. Some applications will open a new untitled window if no window is open.', 'aevt', 'rapp', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'no direct parameter required', 36864], []], [u'print', u'Print the specified object(s)', 'aevt', 'pdoc', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'list of objects to print', 0], []], [u'quit', u'Quit an application', 'aevt', 'quit', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 36864], [[u'saving', 'savo', ['savo', u'specifies whether to save currently open documents', 40960]]]], [u'close', u'Close an object', 'core', 'clos', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'the object to close', 4096], [[u'saving', 'savo', ['savo', u'specifies whether changes should be saved before closing', 40960]], [u'saving in', 'kfil', ['file', u'the file or alias in which to save the object', 34816]]]], [u'count', u'Return the number of elements of an object', 'core', 'cnte', ['long', u'the number of elements', 0], ['obj ', u'the object whose elements are to be counted', 0], [[u'each', 'kocl', ['type', u'if specified, restricts counting to objects of this class', 32768]]]], [u'delete', u'Delete an object from its container. Note this does not work on script variables, only on elements of application classes.', 'core', 'delo', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'the element to delete', 4096], []], [u'duplicate', u'Duplicate one or more objects', 'core', 'clon', ['obj ', u'to the duplicated object(s)', 0], ['obj ', u'the object(s) to duplicate', 4096], [[u'to', 'insh', ['insl', u'the new location for the object(s)', 32768]], [u'with properties', 'prdt', ['reco', u'the initial values for properties of the new object that are to be different from the original', 32768]]]], [u'exists', u'Verify if an object exists', 'core', 'doex', ['bool', u'true if it exists, false if not', 0], ['obj ', u'the object in question', 0], []], [u'make', u'Make a new element', 'core', 'crel', ['obj ', u'to the new object(s)', 0], ['null', u'', 36864], [[u'new', 'kocl', ['type', u'the class of the new element', 0]], [u'at', 'insh', ['insl', u'the location at which to insert the element', 32768]], [u'with data', 'data', ['****', u'the initial data for the element', 32768]], [u'with properties', 'prdt', ['reco', u'the initial values for the properties of the element', 32768]]]], [u'move', u'Move object(s) to a new location', 'core', 'move', ['obj ', u'to the object(s) after they have been moved', 0], ['obj ', u'the object(s) to move', 4096], [[u'to', 'insh', ['insl', u'the new location for the object(s)', 0]]]], [u'save', u'Save an object', 'core', 'save', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'the object to save, usually a document or window', 4096], [[u'in', 'kfil', ['file', u'the file or alias in which to save the object', 34816]], [u'as', 'fltp', ['type', u'the file type of the document in which to save the data', 32768]]]], [u'select', u'Make a selection', 'misc', 'slct', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'the object to select', 4096], []], [u'data size', u'(optional) Return the size in bytes of an object', 'core', 'dsiz', ['long', u'the size of the object in bytes', 0], ['obj ', u'the object whose data size is to be returned', 0], [[u'as', 'rtyp', ['type', u'the data type for which the size is calculated', 32768]]]], [u'suite info', u'(optional) Get information about event suite(s)', 'core', 'gtsi', ['suin', u'a record containing the suites and their versions', 16384], ['type', u'the suite for which to return information', 0], [[u'in', 'wrcd', ['intl', u'the human language and script system in which to return information', 32768]]]], [u'event info', u'(optional) Get information about the Apple events in a suite', 'core', 'gtei', ['evin', u'a record containing the events and their parameters', 16384], ['type', u'the event class of the Apple events for which to return information', 0], [[u'in', 'wrcd', ['intl', u'the human language and script system in which to return information', 32768]]]], [u'class info', u'(optional) Get information about an object class', 'core', 'qobj', ['gcli', u'a record containing the object\u2019s properties and elements', 0], ['type', u'the object class about which information is requested', 32768], [[u'in', 'wrcd', ['intl', u'the human language and script system in which to return information', 32768]]]]], [[u'application', 'capp', u'An application program', [[u'name', 'pnam', ['itxt', u'the name of the application', 0]], [u'frontmost', 'pisf', ['bool', u'Is this the frontmost application?', 0]], [u'selection', 'sele', ['csel', u'the selection visible to the user. Use the \u2018select\u2019 command to set a new selection; use \u2018contents of selection\u2019 to get or change information in the document.', 4096]], [u'clipboard', 'pcli', ['****', u'the contents of the clipboard for this application', 20480]], [u'version', 'vers', ['vers', u'the version of the application', 0]]], []], [u'applications', 'capp', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'document', 'docu', u'A document of a scriptable application', [[u'modified', 'imod', ['bool', u'Has the document been modified since the last save?', 0]]], []], [u'documents', 'docu', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'file', 'file', u'a file on a disk or server', [[u'POSIX path', 'psxp', ['TEXT', u'the POSIX path of the file', 0]]], []], [u'files', 'file', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'alias', 'alis', u'a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script.', [[u'POSIX path', 'psxp', ['TEXT', u'the POSIX path of the file', 0]]], []], [u'aliases', 'alis', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'selection-object', 'csel', u'A way to refer to the state of the current of the selection. Use the \u2018select\u2019 command to make a new selection.', [[u'contents', 'pcnt', ['****', u'the information currently selected. Use \u2018contents of selection\u2019 to get or change information in a document.', 4096]]], []], [u'window', 'cwin', u'A window', [[u'bounds', 'pbnd', ['qdrt', u'the boundary rectangle for the window', 4096]], [u'closeable', 'hclb', ['bool', u'Does the window have a close box?', 0]], [u'titled', 'ptit', ['bool', u'Does the window have a title bar?', 0]], [u'index', 'pidx', ['long', u'the number of the window', 4096]], [u'floating', 'isfl', ['bool', u'Does the window float?', 0]], [u'modal', 'pmod', ['bool', u'Is the window modal?', 0]], [u'resizable', 'prsz', ['bool', u'Is the window resizable?', 0]], [u'zoomable', 'iszm', ['bool', u'Is the window zoomable?', 0]], [u'zoomed', 'pzum', ['bool', u'Is the window zoomed?', 4096]], [u'visible', 'pvis', ['bool', u'Is the window visible?', 4096]]], []], [u'windows', 'cwin', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'insertion point', 'cins', u'An insertion location between two objects', [], []], [u'insertion points', 'cins', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [[u'starts with', 'bgwt', u'Starts with'], [u'contains', 'cont', u'Contains'], [u'ends with', 'ends', u'Ends with'], [u'=', '= ', u'Equal'], [u'>', '> ', u'Greater than'], [u'\u2265', '>= ', u'Greater than or equal to'], [u'<', '< ', u'Less than'], [u'\u2264', '<= ', u'Less than or equal to']], [['savo', [[u'yes', 'yes ', u'Save objects now'], [u'no', 'no ', u'Do not save objects'], [u'ask', 'ask ', u'Ask the user whether to save']]], ['kfrm', [[u'index', 'indx', u'keyform designating indexed access'], [u'named', 'name', u'keyform designating named access'], [u'id', 'ID ', u'keyform designating access by unique identifier']]], ['styl', [[u'plain', 'plan', u'Plain'], [u'bold', 'bold', u'Bold'], [u'italic', 'ital', u'Italic'], [u'outline', 'outl', u'Outline'], [u'shadow', 'shad', u'Shadow'], [u'underline', 'undl', u'Underline'], [u'superscript', 'spsc', u'Superscript'], [u'subscript', 'sbsc', u'Subscript'], [u'strikethrough', 'strk', u'Strikethrough'], [u'small caps', 'smcp', u'Small caps'], [u'all caps', 'alcp', u'All capital letters'], [u'all lowercase', 'lowc', u'Lowercase'], [u'condensed', 'cond', u'Condensed'], [u'expanded', 'pexp', u'Expanded'], [u'hidden', 'hidn', u'Hidden']]]]], [u'Text Suite', u'A set of basic classes for text processing', 'TEXT', 1, 1, [], [[u'character', 'cha ', u'A character', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['ctxt', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 0]]], []], [u'line', 'clin', u'A line of text', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['ctxt', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 0]], [u'justification', 'pjst', ['just', u'the justification of the text', 12288]]], []], [u'lines', 'clin', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'paragraph', 'cpar', u'A paragraph', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['ctxt', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 0]]], []], [u'paragraphs', 'cpar', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'text', 'ctxt', u'Text', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]], [u'color', 'colr', ['cRGB', u'the color of the first character', 4096]], [u'font', 'font', ['ctxt', u'the name of the font of the first character', 4096]], [u'size', 'ptsz', ['fixd', u'the size in points of the first character', 4096]], [u'writing code', 'psct', ['intl', u'the script system and language', 0]], [u'style', 'txst', ['tsty', u'the text style of the first character of the first character', 4096]], [u'uniform styles', 'ustl', ['tsty', u'the text styles that are uniform throughout the text', 4096]], [u'quoted form', 'strq', ['ctxt', u'the text in quoted form', 0]]], [['cha ', ['indx']], ['clin', ['indx']], ['cpar', ['indx']], ['ctxt', ['indx']], ['cwor', ['indx']]]], [u'text flow', 'cflo', u'A contiguous block of text. Page layout applications call this a \u2018story.\u2019', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['ctxt', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 0]], [u'name', 'pnam', ['itxt', u'the name', 4096]]], []], [u'text flows', 'cflo', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'text style info', 'tsty', u'On and Off styles of text run', [[u'on styles', 'onst', ['styl', u'the styles that are on for the text', 24576]], [u'off styles', 'ofst', ['styl', u'the styles that are off for the text', 24576]]], []], [u'text style infos', 'tsty', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'word', 'cwor', u'A word', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['ctxt', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 0]]], []], [u'words', 'cwor', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [], [['just', [[u'left', 'left', u'Align with left margin'], [u'right', 'rght', u'Align with right margin'], [u'center', 'cent', u'Align with center'], [u'full', 'full', u'Align with both left and right margins']]], ['styl', [[u'plain', 'plan', u'Plain'], [u'bold', 'bold', u'Bold'], [u'italic', 'ital', u'Italic'], [u'outline', 'outl', u'Outline'], [u'shadow', 'shad', u'Shadow'], [u'underline', 'undl', u'Underline'], [u'superscript', 'spsc', u'Superscript'], [u'subscript', 'sbsc', u'Subscript'], [u'strikethrough', 'strk', u'Strikethrough'], [u'small caps', 'smcp', u'Small caps'], [u'all caps', 'alcp', u'All capital letters'], [u'all lowercase', 'lowc', u'Lowercase'], [u'condensed', 'cond', u'Condensed'], [u'expanded', 'pexp', u'Expanded'], [u'hidden', 'hidn', u'Hidden']]]]], [u'QuickDraw Graphics Suite', u'A set of basic classes for graphics', 'qdrw', 1, 1, [], [[u'arc', 'carc', u'An arc', [[u'arc angle', 'parc', ['fixd', u'the angle of the arc in degrees', 4096]], [u'bounds', 'pbnd', ['qdrt', u'the smallest rectangle that contains the entire arc', 4096]], [u'definition rect', 'pdrt', ['qdrt', u'the rectangle that contains the circle or oval used to define the arc', 4096]], [u'fill color', 'flcl', ['cRGB', u'the fill color', 4096]], [u'fill pattern', 'flpt', ['cpix', u'the fill pattern', 4096]], [u'pen color', 'ppcl', ['cRGB', u'the pen color', 4096]], [u'pen pattern', 'pppa', ['cpix', u'the pen pattern', 4096]], [u'pen width', 'ppwd', ['shor', u'the pen width', 4096]], [u'start angle', 'pang', ['fixd', u'the angle that defines the start of the arc, in degrees', 4096]], [u'transfer mode', 'pptm', ['tran', u'the transfer mode', 12288]]], []], [u'arcs', 'carc', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'drawing area', 'cdrw', u'Container for graphics and supporting information', [[u'background color', 'pbcl', ['cRGB', u'the color used to fill in unoccupied areas', 4096]], [u'background pattern', 'pbpt', ['cpix', u'the pattern used to fill in unoccupied areas', 4096]], [u'color table', 'cltb', ['clrt', u'the color table', 4096]], [u'ordering', 'gobs', ['obj ', u'the ordered list of graphic objects in the drawing area', 20480]], [u'name', 'pnam', ['itxt', u'the name', 4096]], [u'default location', 'pnel', ['QDpt', u'the default location of each new graphic object', 4096]], [u'pixel depth', 'pdpt', ['shor', u'the number of bits per pixel', 4096]], [u'writing code', 'psct', ['intl', u'the script system and language of text objects in the drawing area', 0]], [u'text color', 'ptxc', ['cRGB', u'the default color for text objects', 4096]], [u'default font', 'ptxf', ['itxt', u'the name of the default font for text objects', 4096]], [u'default size', 'ptps', ['fixd', u'the default size for text objects', 4096]], [u'style', 'txst', ['tsty', u'the default text style for text objects', 4096]], [u'update on change', 'pupd', ['bool', u'Redraw after each change?', 4096]]], []], [u'drawing areas', 'cdrw', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'graphic line', 'glin', u'A graphic line', [[u'start point', 'pstp', ['QDpt', u'the starting point of the line', 4096]], [u'end point', 'pend', ['QDpt', u'the ending point of the line', 4096]], [u'dash style', 'pdst', ['tdas', u'the dash style', 20480]], [u'arrow style', 'arro', ['arro', u'the arrow style', 12288]]], []], [u'graphic lines', 'glin', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'graphic object', 'cgob', u'A graphic object', [], []], [u'graphic objects', 'cgob', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'graphic shape', 'cgsh', u'A graphic shape', [], []], [u'graphic shapes', 'cgsh', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'graphic text', 'cgtx', u'A series of characters within a drawing area', [[u'color', 'colr', ['cRGB', u'the color of the first character', 4096]], [u'font', 'font', ['ctxt', u'the name of the font of the first character', 4096]], [u'size', 'ptsz', ['fixd', u'the size in points of the first character', 4096]], [u'uniform styles', 'ustl', ['tsty', u'the text styles that are uniform throughout the text', 4096]]], []], [u'graphic group', 'cpic', u'Group of graphics', [], []], [u'graphic groups', 'cpic', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'oval', 'covl', u'An oval', [], []], [u'ovals', 'covl', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'pixel', 'cpxl', u'A pixel', [[u'color', 'colr', ['cRGB', u'the color', 4096]]], []], [u'pixels', 'cpxl', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'pixel map', 'cpix', u'A pixel map', [], []], [u'pixel maps', 'cpix', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'polygon', 'cpgn', u'A polygon', [[u'point list', 'ptlt', ['QDpt', u'the list of points that define the polygon', 20480]]], []], [u'polygons', 'cpgn', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'rectangle', 'crec', u'A rectangle', [], []], [u'rectangles', 'crec', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'rounded rectangle', 'crrc', u'A rounded rectangle', [[u'corner curve height', 'pchd', ['shor', u'the height of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners', 4096]], [u'corner curve width', 'pcwd', ['shor', u'the width of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners', 4096]]], []], [u'rounded rectangles', 'crrc', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [], [['tran', [[u'copy pixels', 'cpy ', u''], [u'not copy pixels', 'ncpy', u''], [u'or pixels', 'or ', u''], [u'not or pixels', 'ntor', u''], [u'bic pixels', 'bic ', u''], [u'not bic pixels', 'nbic', u''], [u'xor pixels', 'xor ', u''], [u'not xor pixels', 'nxor', u''], [u'add over pixels', 'addo', u''], [u'add pin pixels', 'addp', u''], [u'sub over pixels', 'subo', u''], [u'sub pin pixels', 'subp', u''], [u'ad max pixels', 'admx', u''], [u'ad min pixels', 'admn', u''], [u'blend pixels', 'blnd', u'']]], ['arro', [[u'no arrow', 'arno', u'No arrow on line'], [u'arrow at start', 'arst', u'Arrow at start of line'], [u'arrow at end', 'aren', u'Arrow at end of line'], [u'arrow at both ends', 'arbo', u'Arrow at both the start and the end of the line']]]]], [u'QuickDraw Graphics Supplemental Suite', u'Defines transformations of graphic objects', 'qdsp', 1, 1, [], [[u'drawing area', 'cdrw', u'Container for graphics and supporting information', [[u'rotation', 'prot', ['trot', u'the default rotation for objects in the drawing area', 4096]], [u'scale', 'pscl', ['fixd', u'the default scaling for objects in the drawing area', 4096]], [u'translation', 'ptrs', ['QDpt', u'the default repositioning for objects in the drawing area', 4096]]], []], [u'drawing areas', 'cdrw', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'graphic group', 'cpic', u'Group of graphics', [], []], [u'graphic groups', 'cpic', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [], []], [u'Table Suite', u'Classes for manipulating tables', 'tbls', 1, 1, [], [[u'cell', 'ccel', u'A cell', [[u'formula', 'pfor', ['ctxt', u'the formula of the cell', 4096]], [u'protection', 'ppro', ['prtn', u'Indicates whether value or formula in the cell can be changed', 12288]]], []], [u'cells', 'ccel', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'column', 'ccol', u'A column', [[u'name', 'pnam', ['itxt', u'the name of the column', 4096]]], []], [u'columns', 'ccol', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'row', 'crow', u'A row', [], []], [u'rows', 'crow', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'table', 'ctbl', u'A table', [], []], [u'tables', 'ctbl', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [], [['prtn', [[u'read only', 'nmod', u'Can\u2019t change values or formulas'], [u'formulas protected', 'fpro', u'Can changes values but not formulas'], [u'read/write', 'modf', u'Can change values and formulas']]]]], [u'Macintosh Connectivity Classes', u'Classes relating to Apple Macintosh personal computer connectivity', 'macc', 1, 1, [], [[u'device specification', 'cdev', u'A device connected to a computer', [[u'properties', 'pALL', ['reco', u'property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties', 4096]], [u'device type', 'pdvt', ['edvt', u'the kind of device', 8192]], [u'device address', 'pdva', ['cadr', u'the address of the device', 8192]]], []], [u'device specifications', 'cdev', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'address specification', 'cadr', u'Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer', [[u'properties', 'pALL', ['reco', u'property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties', 4096]], [u'conduit', 'pcon', ['econ', u'How the addressee is physically connected', 12288]], [u'protocol', 'pprt', ['epro', u'How to talk to this addressee', 12288]]], []], [u'address specifications', 'cadr', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'ADB address', 'cadb', u'Addresses a device connected via Apple Desktop Bus', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['shor', u'the Apple Desktop Bus device ID', 4096]]], []], [u'ADB addresses', 'cadb', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'AppleTalk address', 'cat ', u'Addresses a device or service connected via the AppleTalk protocol', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'AppleTalk machine', 'patm', ['TEXT', u'the machine name part of the address', 4096]], [u'AppleTalk zone', 'patz', ['TEXT', u'the zone part of the address', 4096]], [u'AppleTalk type', 'patt', ['TEXT', u'the type part of the AppleTalk address', 4096]]], []], [u'AppleTalk addresses', 'cat ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'bus slot', 'cbus', u'Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['shor', u'the slot number', 4096]]], []], [u'bus slots', 'cbus', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'Ethernet address', 'cen ', u'Addresses a device by its Ethernet address', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['long', u'the Ethernet address', 4096]]], []], [u'Ethernet addresses', 'cen ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'FireWire address', 'cfw ', u'Addresses a device on the FireWire bus', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['shor', u'the FireWire device ID', 4096]]], []], [u'FireWire addresses', 'cfw ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'IP address', 'cip ', u'Addresses a device or service via the Internet Protocol (IP)', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['TEXT', u'the address in the form ""', 4096]], [u'DNS form', 'pdns', ['TEXT', u'the address in the form "apple.com"', 4096]], [u'port', 'ppor', ['TEXT', u'the port number of the service or client being addressed', 4096]]], []], [u'IP addresses', 'cip ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'LocalTalk address', 'clt ', u'Addresses a device by its LocalTalk address', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'network', 'pnet', ['shor', u'the LocalTalk network number', 4096]], [u'node', 'pnod', ['shor', u'the LocalTalk node number', 4096]], [u'socket', 'psoc', ['shor', u'the LocalTalk socket number', 4096]]], []], [u'LocalTalk addresses', 'clt ', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'SCSI address', 'cscs', u'Addresses a SCSI device', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'SCSI bus', 'pscb', ['shor', u'the SCSI bus number', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['shor', u'the SCSI ID', 4096]], [u'LUN', 'pslu', ['shor', u'the SCSI logical unit number', 4096]]], []], [u'SCSI addresses', 'cscs', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'Token Ring address', 'ctok', u'Addresses a device or service via the Token Ring protocol', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'ID', 'ID ', ['shor', u'the Token Ring ID', 4096]]], []], [u'Token Ring addresses', 'ctok', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'USB address', 'cusb', u'Addresses a device on the Universal Serial Bus', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cadr', u'inherits some of its properties from this class', 4096]], [u'name', 'pnam', ['TEXT', u'the USB device name', 4096]]], []], [u'USB Addresses', 'cusb', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []]], [], [['edvt', [[u'hard disk drive', 'ehd ', u''], [u'floppy disk drive', 'efd ', u''], [u'CD ROM drive', 'ecd ', u''], [u'DVD drive', 'edvd', u''], [u'storage device', 'edst', u''], [u'keyboard', 'ekbd', u''], [u'mouse', 'emou', u''], [u'trackball', 'etrk', u''], [u'trackpad', 'edtp', u''], [u'pointing device', 'edpd', u''], [u'video monitor', 'edvm', u''], [u'LCD display', 'edlc', u''], [u'display', 'edds', u''], [u'modem', 'edmm', u''], [u'PC card', 'ecpc', u''], [u'PCI card', 'edpi', u''], [u'NuBus card', 'ednb', u''], [u'printer', 'edpr', u''], [u'speakers', 'edsp', u''], [u'microphone', 'ecmi', u'']]], ['econ', [[u'ADB', 'eadb', u''], [u'printer port', 'ecpp', u''], [u'modem port', 'ecmp', u''], [u'modem printer port', 'empp', u''], [u'LocalTalk', 'eclt', u''], [u'Ethernet', 'ecen', u''], [u'Token Ring', 'etok', u''], [u'SCSI', 'ecsc', u''], [u'USB', 'ecus', u''], [u'FireWire', 'ecfw', u''], [u'infrared', 'ecir', u''], [u'PC card', 'ecpc', u''], [u'PCI bus', 'ecpi', u''], [u'NuBus', 'enub', u''], [u'PDS slot', 'ecpd', u''], [u'Comm slot', 'eccm', u''], [u'monitor out', 'ecmn', u''], [u'video out', 'ecvo', u''], [u'video in', 'ecvi', u''], [u'audio out', 'ecao', u''], [u'audio line in', 'ecai', u''], [u'audio line out', 'ecal', u''], [u'microphone', 'ecmi', u'']]], ['epro', [[u'serial', 'epsr', u''], [u'AppleTalk', 'epat', u''], [u'IP', 'epip', u''], [u'SCSI', 'ecsc', u''], [u'ADB', 'eadb', u''], [u'FireWire', 'ecfw', u''], [u'IrDA', 'epir', u''], [u'IRTalk', 'epit', u''], [u'USB', 'ecus', u''], [u'PC card', 'ecpc', u''], [u'PCI bus', 'ecpi', u''], [u'NuBus', 'enub', u''], [u'bus', 'ebus', u''], [u'Macintosh video', 'epmv', u''], [u'SVGA', 'epsg', u''], [u'S video', 'epsv', u''], [u'analog audio', 'epau', u''], [u'digital audio', 'epda', u''], [u'PostScript', 'epps', u'']]]]], [u'Type Names Suite', u'Terminology for Registry data types', 'tpnm', 1, 1, [], [[u'type class info', 'gcli', u'information about properties and elements of a class', [], []], [u'type event info', 'evin', u'information about an event', [], []], [u'plain text', 'TEXT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'plain text', 'TEXT', u'a synonym for string', [], []], [u'string', 'TEXT', u'a string of characters', [], []], [u'bounding rectangle', 'qdrt', u'bounding rectangle', [], []], [u'point', 'QDpt', u'point coordinates', [], []], [u'fixed', 'fixd', u'a real number', [], []], [u'location reference', 'insl', u'', [], []], [u'application dictionary', 'aete', u'', [], []], [u'color table', 'clrt', u'', [], []], [u'dash style', 'tdas', u'', [], []], [u'double integer', 'comp', u'', [], []], [u'extended real', 'exte', u'', [], []], [u'fixed point', 'fpnt', u'', [], []], [u'fixed rectangle', 'frct', u'', [], []], [u'long fixed', 'lfxd', u'', [], []], [u'long fixed point', 'lfpt', u'', [], []], [u'long fixed rectangle', 'lfrc', u'', [], []], [u'long point', 'lpnt', u'', [], []], [u'long rectangle', 'lrct', u'', [], []], [u'machine location', 'mLoc', u'', [], []], [u'menu', 'cmnu', u'', [], []], [u'menu item', 'cmen', u'', [], []], [u'null', 'null', u'', [], []], [u'pixel map record', 'tpmm', u'', [], []], [u'PostScript picture', 'EPS ', u'', [], []], [u'RGB16 color', 'tr16', u'', [], []], [u'RGB96 color', 'tr96', u'', [], []], [u'small integer', 'shor', u'', [], []], [u'small real', 'sing', u'', [], []], [u'system dictionary', 'aeut', u'', [], []], [u'rotation', 'trot', u'', [], []], [u'scrap styles', 'styl', u'', [], []], [u'TIFF picture', 'TIFF', u'', [], []], [u'version', 'vers', u'', [], []], [u'unsigned integer', 'magn', u'', [], []], [u'type property info', 'pinf', u'', [], []], [u'type element info', 'elin', u'', [], []], [u'type parameter info', 'pmin', u'', [], []], [u'type suite info', 'suin', u'', [], []], [u'JPEG picture', 'JPEG', u'', [], []], [u'GIF picture', 'GIFf', u'', [], []]], [], []]]]], (0, 'aeut', 'Standard Event Suites for English'))], 'AppleScript', '/System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component', {'creator': None})