([([256, 0, 0, [[[u'Standard Suite', u'Common terms for most applications', '****', 1, 1, [[u'close', u'Close an object', 'core', 'clos', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'the object to close', 4096], []], [u'count', u'Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object', 'core', 'cnte', ['long', u'the number of elements', 0], ['obj ', u'the object whose elements are to be counted', 0], [[u'each', 'kocl', ['type', u"the class of the elements to be counted. Keyword 'each' is optional in AppleScript", 0]]]], [u'delete', u'Delete an element from an object', 'core', 'delo', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'the element to delete', 4096], []], [u'duplicate', u'Duplicate one or more object(s)', 'core', 'clon', ['obj ', u'to the duplicated object(s)', 0], ['obj ', u'the object(s) to duplicate', 4096], [[u'to', 'insh', ['insl', u'the new location for the object(s)', 32768]]]], [u'exists', u'Verify if an object exists', 'core', 'doex', ['bool', u'true if it exists, false if not', 0], ['obj ', u'the object in question', 0], []], [u'make', u'Make a new element', 'core', 'crel', ['obj ', u'to the new object(s)', 0], ['null', u'', 36864], [[u'new', 'kocl', ['type', u"the class of the new element. Keyword 'new' is optional in AppleScript", 0]], [u'at', 'insh', ['insl', u'the location at which to insert the element', 32768]], [u'with properties', 'prdt', ['reco', u'the initial values for the properties of the element', 32768]]]], [u'open', u'open the specified object(s)', 'aevt', 'odoc', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'list of objects to open', 4096], []], [u'run', u'run iTunes', 'aevt', 'oapp', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'no direct parameter required', 36864], []], [u'quit', u'quit iTunes', 'aevt', 'quit', ['null', u'', 32768], ['null', u'', 36864], []], [u'set', u'', 'core', 'setd', ['null', u'', 32768], ['obj ', u'', 4096], [[u'to', 'data', ['****', u'', 0]]]]], [], [], []], [u'iTunes Suite', u'The event suite specific to iTunes', 'hook', 0, 0, [[u'add', u'add one or more files to a playlist', 'hook', 'Add ', ['cTrk', u'reference to added track(s)', 0], ['alis', u'the file(s) to add', 16384], [[u'to', 'insh', ['insl', u'the location of the added file(s)', 32768]]]], [u'back track', u'reposition to beginning of current track or go to previous track if already at start of current track', 'hook', 'Back', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'convert', u'convert one or more files or tracks', 'hook', 'Conv', ['cTrk', u'reference to converted track(s)', 0], ['obj ', u'the file(s)/tracks(s) to convert', 16384], []], [u'fast forward', u'skip forward in a playing track', 'hook', 'Fast', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'next track', u'advance to the next track in the current playlist', 'hook', 'Next', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'pause', u'pause playback', 'hook', 'Paus', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'play', u'play the current track or the specified track or file.', 'hook', 'Play', ['null', u'', 0], ['obj ', u'item to play', 32768], []], [u'playpause', u'toggle the playing/paused state of the current track', 'hook', 'PlPs', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'previous track', u'return to the previous track in the current playlist', 'hook', 'Prev', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'resume', u'disable fast forward/rewind and resume playback, if playing.', 'hook', 'Resu', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'rewind', u'skip backwards in a playing track', 'hook', 'Rwnd', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'stop', u'stop playback', 'hook', 'Stop', ['null', u'', 0], ['null', u'', 0], []], [u'update', u'update the contents of the specified iPod', 'hook', 'Updt', ['null', u'', 0], ['cSrc', u'the iPod to update', 32768], []]], [[u'application', 'capp', u'The application program', [[u'current encoder', 'pEnc', ['cEnc', u'the currently selected encoder (MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.)', 4096]], [u'current EQ preset', 'pEQP', ['cEQP', u'the currently selected equalizer preset', 4096]], [u'current playlist', 'pPla', ['cPly', u'the playlist containing the currently targeted track', 0]], [u'current stream title', 'pStT', ['utxt', u'the name of the current song in the playing stream (provided by streaming server)', 0]], [u'current stream URL', 'pStU', ['utxt', u'the URL of the playing stream or streaming web site (provided by streaming server)', 0]], [u'current track', 'pTrk', ['cTrk', u'the current targeted track', 0]], [u'current visual', 'pVis', ['cVis', u' the currently selected visual plug-in', 4096]], [u'EQ enabled', 'pEQ ', ['bool', u'is the equalizer enabled?', 4096]], [u'fixed indexing', 'pFix', ['bool', u'true if all AppleScript track indices should be independent of the play order of the owning playlist.', 4096]], [u'frontmost', 'pisf', ['bool', u'is iTunes the frontmost application?', 4096]], [u'full screen', 'pFSc', ['bool', u'are visuals displayed using the entire screen?', 4096]], [u'name', 'pnam', ['utxt', u'the name of the application', 0]], [u'mute', 'pMut', ['bool', u'has the sound output been muted?', 4096]], [u'player position', 'pPos', ['long', u'the player\u2019s position within the currently playing track in seconds.', 12288]], [u'player state', 'pPlS', ['ePlS', u'is iTunes stopped, paused, or playing?', 8192]], [u'selection', 'sele', ['obj ', u'the selection visible to the user', 0]], [u'sound volume', 'pVol', ['long', u'the sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)', 4096]], [u'version', 'vers', ['vers', u'the version of iTunes', 0]], [u'visuals enabled', 'pVsE', ['bool', u'are visuals currently being displayed?', 4096]], [u'visual size', 'pVSz', ['eVSz', u'the size of the displayed visual', 12288]]], [['cBrW', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cEnc', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cEQP', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cEQW', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cPlW', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cSrc', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cVis', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cwin', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']]]], [u'artwork', 'cArt', u'a piece of art within a track', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'format', 'pFmt', ['type', u'the data format for this piece of artwork', 0]], [u'data', 'pPCT', ['PICT', u'data for this artwork, in the form of a picture', 4096]], [u'kind', 'pKnd', ['long', u'kind or purpose of this piece of artwork', 4096]]], []], [u'artworks', 'cArt', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'audio CD playlist', 'cCDP', u'a playlist representing an audio CD', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cPly', u'inherits some of its properties from the playlist class', 0]], [u'artist', 'pArt', ['utxt', u'the artist of the CD', 4096]], [u'compilation', 'pAnt', ['bool', u'is this CD a compilation album?', 4096]], [u'composer', 'pCmp', ['utxt', u'the composer of the CD', 4096]], [u'disc count', 'pDsC', ['long', u'the total number of discs in this CD\u2019s album', 4096]], [u'disc number', 'pDsN', ['long', u'the index of this CD disc in the source album', 4096]], [u'genre', 'pGen', ['utxt', u'the genre of the CD', 4096]], [u'year', 'pYr ', ['long', u'the year the album was recorded/released', 4096]]], [['cCDT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']]]], [u'audio CD playlists', 'cCDP', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'audio CD track', 'cCDT', u'a track on an audio CD', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cTrk', u'inherits some of its properties from the playlist class', 0]], [u'location', 'pLoc', ['alis', u'the location of the file represented by this track', 0]]], []], [u'audio CD tracks', 'cCDT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'browser window', 'cBrW', u'the main iTunes window', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cwin', u'inherits some of its properties from the window class', 0]], [u'minimized', 'pMin', ['bool', u'is the small player visible?', 4096]], [u'selection', 'sele', ['obj ', u'the selected songs', 0]], [u'view', 'pPly', ['cPly', u'the playlist currently displayed in the window', 4096]]], []], [u'browser windows', 'cBrW', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'device playlist', 'cDvP', u'a playlist representing the contents of a portable device', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cPly', u'inherits some of its properties from the playlist class', 0]]], [['cDvT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']]]], [u'device playlists', 'cDvP', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'device track', 'cDvT', u'a track residing on a protable music player', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cTrk', u'inherits some of its properties from the track class', 0]]], []], [u'device tracks', 'cDvT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'encoder', 'cEnc', u'converts a track to a specific file format', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'format', 'pFmt', ['utxt', u'the data format created by the encoder', 0]]], []], [u'encoders', 'cEnc', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'EQ preset', 'cEQP', u'equalizer preset configuration', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'band 1', 'pEQ1', ['sing', u'the equalizer 32 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 2', 'pEQ2', ['sing', u'the equalizer 64 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 3', 'pEQ3', ['sing', u'the equalizer 125 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 4', 'pEQ4', ['sing', u'the equalizer 250 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 5', 'pEQ5', ['sing', u'the equalizer 500 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 6', 'pEQ6', ['sing', u'the equalizer 1 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 7', 'pEQ7', ['sing', u'the equalizer 2 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 8', 'pEQ8', ['sing', u'the equalizer 4 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 9', 'pEQ9', ['sing', u'the equalizer 8 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'band 10', 'pEQ0', ['sing', u'the equalizer 16 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]], [u'modifiable', 'pMod', ['bool', u'can this preset be modified?', 0]], [u'preamp', 'pEQA', ['sing', u'the equalizer preamp level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)', 4096]]], []], [u'EQ presets', 'cEQP', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'EQ window', 'cEQW', u'the iTunes equalizer window', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cwin', u'inherits some of its properties from the window class', 0]], [u'minimized', 'pMin', ['bool', u'is the small EQ window visible?', 4096]]], []], [u'EQ windows', 'cEQW', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'file track', 'cFlT', u'a track representing an audio file (MP3, AIFF, etc.)', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cTrk', u'inherits some of its properties from the track class', 0]], [u'location', 'pLoc', ['alis', u'the location of the file represented by this track', 0]]], []], [u'file tracks', 'cFlT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'item', 'cobj', u'an item', [[u'container', 'ctnr', ['obj ', u'the container of the item', 0]], [u'name', 'pnam', ['utxt', u'the name of the item', 4096]]], []], [u'items', 'cobj', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'library playlist', 'cLiP', u'the master music library playlist', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cPly', u'inherits some of its properties from the playlist class', 0]]], [['cFlT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cURT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cShT', []]]], [u'library playlists', 'cLiP', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'playlist', 'cPly', u'a list of songs/streams', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'duration', 'pDur', ['long', u'the total length of all songs (in seconds)', 0]], [u'index', 'pidx', ['long', u'the index of the playlist in internal application order', 0]], [u'name', 'pnam', ['utxt', u'the name of the playlist', 4096]], [u'shuffle', 'pShf', ['bool', u'play the songs in this playlist in random order?', 4096]], [u'size', 'pSiz', ['comp', u'the total size of all songs (in bytes)', 0]], [u'song repeat', 'pRpt', ['eRpt', u'playback repeat mode', 12288]], [u'time', 'pTim', ['utxt', u'the length of all songs in MM:SS format', 0]], [u'visible', 'pvis', ['bool', u'is this playlist visible in the Source list?', 0]]], [['cTrk', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']]]], [u'playlists', 'cPly', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'playlist window', 'cPlW', u'a sub-window showing a single playlist', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cwin', u'inherits some of its properties from the window class', 0]], [u'selection', 'sele', ['obj ', u'the selected songs', 0]], [u'view', 'pPly', ['cPly', u'the playlist displayed in the window', 0]]], []], [u'playlist windows', 'cPlW', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'radio tuner playlist', 'cRTP', u'the radio tuner playlist', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cPly', u'inherits some of its properties from the playlist class', 0]]], [['cURT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']]]], [u'radio tuner playlists', 'cRTP', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'shared track', 'cShT', u'a track residing in a shared library', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cTrk', u'inherits some of its properties from the track class', 0]]], []], [u'shared tracks', 'cShT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'source', 'cSrc', u'a music source (music library, CD, device, etc.)', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'capacity', 'capa', ['comp', u'the total size of the source if it has a fixed size', 0]], [u'free space', 'frsp', ['comp', u'the free space on the source if it has a fixed size', 0]], [u'kind', 'pKnd', ['eSrc', u'', 8192]]], [['cCDP', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cDvP', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cLiP', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cPly', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cRTP', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cUsP', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']]]], [u'sources', 'cSrc', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'track', 'cTrk', u'playable audio source', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'album', 'pAlb', ['utxt', u'the album containing the track', 4096]], [u'artist', 'pArt', ['utxt', u'the artist/source of the track', 4096]], [u'bit rate', 'pBRt', ['long', u'the bit rate of the track (in kbps)', 0]], [u'bpm', 'pBPM', ['long', u'the tempo of this track in beats per minute', 4096]], [u'comment', 'pCmt', ['utxt', u'freeform notes about the track', 4096]], [u'compilation', 'pAnt', ['bool', u'is this track from a compilation album?', 4096]], [u'composer', 'pCmp', ['utxt', u'the composer of the track', 4096]], [u'database ID', 'pDID', ['long', u'the common, unique ID for this track. If two tracks in different playlists have the same database ID, they are sharing the same data.', 0]], [u'date added', 'pAdd', ['ldt ', u'the date the track was added to the playlist', 0]], [u'disc count', 'pDsC', ['long', u'the total number of discs in the source album', 4096]], [u'disc number', 'pDsN', ['long', u'the index of the disc containing this track on the source album', 4096]], [u'duration', 'pDur', ['long', u'the length of the track in seconds', 0]], [u'enabled', 'enbl', ['bool', u'is this track checked for playback?', 4096]], [u'EQ', 'pEQp', ['utxt', u'the name of the EQ preset of the track', 4096]], [u'finish', 'pStp', ['long', u'the stop time of the track in seconds', 4096]], [u'genre', 'pGen', ['utxt', u'the music/audio genre (category) of the track', 4096]], [u'kind', 'pKnd', ['utxt', u'a text description of the track', 0]], [u'modification date', 'asmo', ['ldt ', u'the modification date of the content of this track', 0]], [u'played count', 'pPlC', ['long', u'number of times this track has been played', 4096]], [u'played date', 'pPlD', ['ldt ', u'the date and time this track was last played', 4096]], [u'rating', 'pRte', ['long', u'the user rating of this track (0 to 100)', 4096]], [u'sample rate', 'pSRt', ['long', u'the sample rate of the track (in Hz)', 0]], [u'size', 'pSiz', ['long', u'the size of the track (in bytes)', 0]], [u'start', 'pStr', ['long', u'the start time of the track in seconds', 4096]], [u'time', 'pTim', ['utxt', u'the length of the track in MM:SS format', 0]], [u'track count', 'pTrC', ['long', u'the total number of tracks on the source album', 4096]], [u'track number', 'pTrN', ['long', u'the index of the track on the source album', 4096]], [u'volume adjustment', 'pAdj', ['long', u'relative volume adjustment of the track (-100% to 100%)', 4096]], [u'year', 'pYr ', ['long', u'the year the track was recorded/released', 4096]]], []], [u'tracks', 'cTrk', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'URL track', 'cURT', u'a track representing a network stream', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cTrk', u'inherits some of its properties from the track class', 0]], [u'address', 'pURL', ['utxt', u'the URL for this track', 4096]]], []], [u'URL tracks', 'cURT', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'user playlist', 'cUsP', u'custom playlists created by the user', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cPly', u'inherits some of its properties from the playlist class', 0]], [u'shared', 'pShr', ['bool', u'', 4096]], [u'smart', 'pSmt', ['bool', u'is this a Smart Playlist?', 0]]], [['cFlT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cURT', ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']], ['cShT', []]]], [u'user playlists', 'cUsP', u'', [[u'', 'c@#!', ['type', u'', 1]]], []], [u'visual', 'cVis', u'a visual plug-in', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]]], []], [u'visuals', 'cVis', u'', [[u'class attributes', 'c@#!', ['type', u'special class attributes', 1]]], []], [u'window', 'cwin', u'any window', [[u'', 'c@#^', ['cobj', u'inherits some of its properties from the item class', 0]], [u'bounds', 'pbnd', ['qdrt', u'the boundary rectangle for the window', 4096]], [u'closeable', 'hclb', ['bool', u'does the window have a close box?', 0]], [u'collapseable', 'pWSh', ['bool', u'does the window have a collapse (windowshade) box?', 0]], [u'collapsed', 'wshd', ['bool', u'is the window collapsed?', 4096]], [u'position', 'ppos', ['QDpt', u'the upper left position of the window', 4096]], [u'resizable', 'prsz', ['bool', u'is the window resizable?', 0]], [u'visible', 'pvis', ['bool', u'is the window visible?', 4096]], [u'zoomable', 'iszm', ['bool', u'is the window zoomable?', 0]], [u'zoomed', 'pzum', ['bool', u'is the window zoomed?', 4096]]], []], [u'windows', 'cwin', u'any window', [[u'class attributes', 'c@#!', ['type', u'special class attributes', 1]]], []]], [], [['ePlS', [[u'stopped', 'kPSS', u''], [u'playing', 'kPSP', u''], [u'paused', 'kPSp', u''], [u'fast forwarding', 'kPSF', u''], [u'rewinding', 'kPSR', u'']]], ['eRpt', [[u'off', 'kRpO', u''], [u'one', 'kRp1', u''], [u'all', 'kRpA', u'']]], ['eVSz', [[u'small', 'kVSS', u''], [u'medium', 'kVSM', u''], [u'large', 'kVSL', u'']]], ['eSrc', [[u'library', 'kLib', u''], [u'iPod', 'kPod', u''], [u'audio CD', 'kACD', u''], [u'MP3 CD', 'kMCD', u''], [u'device', 'kDev', u''], [u'radio tuner', 'kTun', u''], [u'shared library', 'kShd', u''], [u'unknown', 'kUnk', u'']]]]], [u'Internet suite', u'Standard terms for Internet scripting', 'gurl', 1, 1, [[u'open location', u'Opens a URL to an audio stream', 'GURL', 'GURL', ['null', u'', 0], ['TEXT', u'the URL to open', 32768], []]], [], [], []]]]], (0, 'aete', ''))], u'iTunes', u'/Applications/iTunes.app', {'iconFileName': None, 'kindID': 0, 'flags': [LSItemInfoFlags.kLSItemInfoIsNativeApp(128), LSItemInfoFlags.kLSItemInfoIsPackage(2), LSItemInfoFlags.kLSItemInfoIsApplication(4), LSItemInfoFlags.kLSItemInfoIsContainer(8), LSItemInfoFlags.kLSItemInfoAppIsScriptable(2048), LSItemInfoFlags.kLSItemInfoExtensionIsHidden(1048576)], 'extension': u'app', 'creator': 'hook', 'filetype': 'APPL'})