Documentation for the PyObjC C-API (Preliminary)


WARNING: This API is unstable and might change in the future. Please let us know if you want to use the C-API in your own code

The PyObjC package can be extended in C (or more likely Objective-C) using the C API described in this document. This API should be used to write custom wrappers for "hard" methods and to create/access Objective-C proxy objects from the wrappers for C functions.

IMHO this API shouldn't be used to write modules that "just happen" to work with Objective-C objects, using (static) methods in a class is much more convenient.

The C API is defined in pyobjc-api.h. This file is currently not installed because the API is not entirely stable. This is the only file that can be included from outside of the 'Modules/objc' directory, future versions of the bridge may use additional linker flags to make sure that the module doesn't export symbols other than the module init function.

The easiest way to wrap global functions and constants is by using the scripts in Scripts/CodeGenerators. This script is unsupported and might not work on anything but the Apple headers, but if it works it will save you a lot of work.


An important limitation of the current C API is that you can only use the API from one C file in the implementation of an extension module. This limitation will probably not be removed in future versions of the API.


The initialiazation function (below) should be called before using the rest of the API:

static int PyObjC_ImportAPI(PyObject* calling_module)

This module will return 0 if loading the module was successfull, and -1 otherwise. Reasons for failure include: not being able to locate the module and API version conflicts.

Loading the API will make it impossible to unload the calling_module.

NOTE: Using the API other than by the mechanism described in this document is unsupported.

Compatibility Macros

On MacOS X, the version guard macro MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED will always be available.

The macros PyDoc_STR, PyDoc_VAR and PyDoc_STRVAR are defined when they are not defined in Python.h.



int PyObjCObject_Check(value);

PyObjCObject_Type is the type of Objective-C objects, both pure Objective-C objects and hybrid Python/Objective-C objects are instances of this type. Use PyObjCObject_Check to check if a value is an instance of this type.

There is at most 1 proxy for an Objective-C instance. That is, you can use the is operator in Python to check if two variables refer to the same Objective-C object.


int PyObjCClass_Check(value);

PyObjCClass_Type is the type of Objective-C classes, both pure Objective-C objects and hybrid Python/Objective-C classes are instances of this type. Use PyObjCClass_Check to check if a value is an instance of this type.

There is at most 1 class proxy for an Objective-C class. That is, you can use the is operator in Python to compare two classes for equality.


int PyObjCSelector_Check(value);

PyObjCSelector_Type is the type of Objective-C methods (including the methods defined in Python). Use PyObjCSelector_Check to check if a value is an instance of this type.

API functions

int PyObjC_RegisterMethodMapping(
                     Class cls, 
                     SEL sel, 
                     PyObject *(callObjC)(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*),
                     IMP callPython);

Register a custom wrapper for a specific method. Returns -1 on failure.

int PyObjC_RegisterSignatureMapping(
                     char* typespec,
                     PyObject *(*callObjC)(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*),
                     IMP callPython);

Register a custom wrapper for methods with a specific signature. Returns -1 on failure.

id PyObjCObject_GetObject(PyObject* obj);

Return the Objective-C object that is proxied by a PyObjCObject_Type instance.

void PyObjCObject_ClearObject(PyObject* obj);

Clear the proxied object. That is, the PyObjCObject_Type instance will no longer be a proxy.

Class PyObjCClass_GetClass(PyObject* cls);

Extract the Class from a proxied Objective-C class.

PyObject* PyObjCClass_New(Class cls);

Create or find a proxy object for the class.

id PyObjC_PythonToId(PyObject* value);

Create a proxy for the Python object. This will unwrap proxied Objective-C objects, and will create the appropriate proxy for Python objects.

PyObject* IdToPython(id value);

Create a proxy for the Objective-C object. This will unwrap proxied Python objects and will create a proxy object for Objective-C objects.

void PyObjCErr_FromObjC(NSException* localException);

Convert an Objective-C exception to Python. Use PyObjCErr_FromObjC(localException) to convert the exception in an NS_HANDLER block.

Note that PyObjC supports roundtripping for exceptions, if the current Objective-C exception is an converted Python exception, the original Python exception will be rethrown.

void PyObjCErr_ToObjC(void);

Convert a Python exception to Objective-C. This function does not return.

Note that PyObjC supports roundtripping for exceptions, if the current Python exception is an converted Objective-C exception, the original Objective-C exception will be rethrown.

int PyObjC_PythonToObjC(const char* typespec, PyObject* value, void* buffer);

Convert the value to an Objective-C value of type typespec. The buffer must be at least PyObjC_SizeOfType(typespec) bytes long.

NOTE: The typespec is a type specifier as described in the runtime reference of the Objective-C manual from Apple. Use @encode(mytype) if to get code that is portable to a different Objective-C runtime.

PyObject* PyObjC_ObjCToPython(const char* typespec, void* value);

Convert an Objective-C value of type typespec to python.

PyObject* PyObjC_CallPython(id self, SEL sel, PyObject* arglist, int* isAlloc);

Call the Python implementation of method sel of self. The arglist must contain the complete argument list, including self. If isAlloc is not NULL it is used to output whether this method should return a new reference (TRUE) or a borrowed reference (FALSE).

int PyObjC_SizeOfType(const char* typespec);

Return the size of variables of the specified type.

Class PyObjCSelector_GetClass(PyObject* sel);

Return the class containing the definition of sel.

SEL PyObjCSelector_GetSelector(PyObject* sel);

Return the Objective-C method name for sel.

int PyObjCBool_Check(PyObject* obj);

Check if obj is a boolean object (either the python bool type in Python 2.3 or the PyObjC bool type in Python 2.2)

PyObject* PyObjCBool_FromLong(long i);

Create a new bool object. This will return a Python bool object in Python 2.3 (and later) and the PyObjC bool type in Python 2.2.

void PyObjC_InitSuper(struct objc_super*, Class, id);

Initialize the struct objc_super for use with objc_sendMsgSuper. Use this if the self argument is a normal object.

void PyObjC_InitSuperCls(struct objc_super*, Class, Class);

Initialize the struct objc_super for use with objc_sendMsgSuper. Use this if the self argument is a Class.

int  PyObjCPointerWrapper_Register(
              const char* typespec, PyObject* (*pythonify)(void*),
              int (*depythonify)(PyObject*, void*)

Use pythonify to convert pointers of type typespec to python and depythonify to extract them from Python. Use this to register helper function for the conversion of opaque pointers.

id  PyObjCUnsupportedMethod_IMP(id, SEL);

Use this as an argument for PyObjC_RegisterMethodMapping or PyObjC_RegisterSignatureMapping if the method is not callable from Objective-C.

PyObject* PyObjCUnsupportedMethod_Caller(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);

Use this as an argument for PyObjC_RegisterMethodMapping or PyObjC_RegisterSignatureMapping if the method is not callable from Python.

int PyObjCObject_Convert(PyObject* object, void* pvar);

This is a variation on PyObjC_PythonToId than can be used with PyArg_Parse.

int PyObjCClass_Convert(PyObject* object, void* pvar);

This is a variation on PyObjCClass_GetClass than can be used with PyArg_Parse.

int PyObjCSelector_Convert(PyObject* object, void* pvar);

Write the SEL for a selector object into *pvar. For use with PyArg_Parse.

int PyObjC_ConvertBOOL(PyObject* object, void* pvar);

Write YES into *pvar if object is true, write NO otherwise. *pvar should be of type BOOL. For use with PyArg_Parse.

int PyObjC_ConvertChar(PyObject* object, void* pvar);

Write the value of a string of length 1 into the character (type char) at *pvar. For use with PyArg_Parse.