The PyObjC release process

This document gives an exhaustive overview of what needs to be done when building and releasing a new version of PyObjC. It is meant for the project administrators, and not of much use for users of PyObjC.

The timeframe is a guideline only and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Release date -2 weeks

Full feature freeze, documenation updates and critical bugfixes only. At this time:

Release-date -3 days

Build the release tarball and dmg:

Trash you existing PyObjC installation and reinstall from the new release. Test that the new release is working correctly. Installing and testing should be done both for the binary installer and for the source archive. The latter should be done in all supported configurations.

If the package works as expected upload to a convenient location and ask some other people (like the other maintainers) to test the new release.
