=============== PyObjC Examples =============== Simple scripts that demo the core modules ----------------------------------------- * subclassing-objective-c.py Create a subclass of an objective-C class * super-call.py Likewise, but call super-class implementation of a method * dictionary.py Use a NS*Dictionary object. * rendezvous.py Use an NSNetService class to look for servers using rendezvous. Cocoa applications ------------------ Most of the following examples contain a ``buildapp.py`` script that can build an application. See `Building applications`_ for details how to invoke these scripts. Some examples contain a ``Project Builder`` project file; simply double-click it and choose ``Build and Run``. .. _`Building applications`: ../Doc/intro.html#building-applications * `ClassBrowser`_ A simple class browser, demonstrating the use of NSBrowser (a "column view" hierarchical widget) and NSTableView. * `CurrencyConverter`_ A simple NIB based application. Start with this one. Also see the PyObjC tutorial. * `DotView`_ A simple one-window demo showing how to custom drawing in a custom NSView. Additionally shows how easy it is to embed a view in an NSScrollView, as well as how to use an NSColorWell. * `iClass`_ A more elaborate class browser; demonstrates NSOutlineView and NSTableView. * `PrefPane`_ Demonstrates how to write an NSPreferencePane, for use in the System Preferences application. Requires a framework build of Python. * `EnvironmentPrefs`_ Another NSPreferencePane. This one can be used to edit the default environment for the current user. It also is a simple example of a localized application. * `PythonBrowser`_ A reusable Python object browser, demonstrating the use of NSOutlineView as well as how to use an NSWindowController subclass to create a window from a menu action. * `TableModel`_ Basic demo that shows how to use a NSTableView. * `TinyTinyEdit`_ A minimal Document-based text editor application. * `Todo`_ A more complex NIB based applications. This is a document-based application. The code is a translation into pyton of an example project in 'Learning Cocoa' from O'Reilly * `WebServicesTool`_ Another Project Builder Cocoa project. Quiries an XML-RPC enabled web server for the methods that it implements. Demonstrates a more advanced use of an NSTableView, how to make a toolbar as well as how to use multi-threading. * `FieldGraph`_ Another Project Builder Cocoa project, it also includes a ``buildapp.py`` script. This shows an simple example of an MVC based application, that also makes use of NSBezierPaths. The application calculates the field pattern and RMS field of an antenna array with up to three elements. .. _`ClassBrowser`: ClassBrowser .. _`CurrencyConverter`: CurrencyConverter .. _`DotView`: DotView .. _`iClass`: iClass .. _`PrefPane`: PrefPane .. _`EnvironmentPrefs`: EnvironmentPrefs .. _`PythonBrowser`: PythonBrowser .. _`TableModel`: TableModel .. _`TinyTinyEdit`: TinyTinyEdit .. _`Todo`: Todo .. _`WebServicesTool`: WebServicesTool .. _`FieldGraph`: FieldGraph