Welcome to PyObjC

The PyObjC package provides the glue needed to interface the Python interpreter with the Objective-C language. At its core is the objc module makes Objective-C objects and classes available as first-class Python citizens. It is not only possible to use Objective-C objects but you can also subclass Objective-C classes.

To make it easier to use the core objc module, this package also provides a number of modules that are wrappers for the Cocoa frameworks, such as Foundation and AppKit. These modules not only give you access to the classes in these frameworks but also to the functions and constants in those modules.

Read the documentation for more information on how to use this package. The installation manual describes how to install this package.

The latest information can always be found at:


For help, please use the pyobjc-dev mailing list:


b.bum <bbum@codefab.com>, Ronald Oussoren <oussoren@cistron.nl>