Structure of the PyObjC package


This document gives an overview of the PyObjC for developers (of the package).

One of the sections describes how all of it works, and some of the limitations.

This document is a incomplete, it should be updated.


Classes are scanned for methods when the Python wrapper for a class is created. We then create Python wrappers for those methods. This way users can use the normal Python introspection methods to check which methods are available.

There are several occasions when these method tables are rescanned, because classes can grow new methods when categories are loaded into the runtime. Additionally, it is known that some Cocoa frameworks in Mac OS X change their method tables when the first instance is created.


It is possible to subclass Objective-C classes from Python. These classes end up in a structure containing both a Python type object and an Objective-C class. Instances of these classes also contain both a Python instance and an Objective-C object.

The first Python subclass of an Objective-C class introduces a new instance variable in the Objective-C object to store the pointer to the Python half of the cluster. This variable is always referenced by name. The Python half is a subclass of objc_object that already contains a pointer to an Objective-C object. This first subclass also introduces a number of class and instance methods that the PyObjC bridge uses to maintain the illusion of a single object on both sides. Check class-builder.m for details.

Directory structure




Example scripts and applets.


The pure Python parts of the packages that comprise PyObjC. Currently contains the packages 'objc', 'PyObjCScripts', 'PyObjCTools' and the semi-automatically generated wrappers for the 'AddressBook', 'AppKit', 'ExceptionHandling', 'Foundation', 'InterfaceBuilder', 'Message', 'PreferencePanes', 'ScreenSaver', 'SecurityInterface' and 'WebKit' frameworks.


Extension modules related to the packages in 'Lib'.


Scripts used during building and/or development of PyObjC.

Installer Package/

Resources used for building the Apple Installer packages.

ProjectBuilder Extras/

Project Builder templates and syntax specifications for PyObjC development.


Xcode templates for PyObjC development.


A local copy of libffi, the Foreign Function Interface library used by PyObjC.


Modules used by for building and distributing PyObjC.


Local copies of Python packages and modules used by PyObjC that are not expected to be found in the minimum supported version of Python. These are not automatically installed by, but some may be included in a bdist_mpkg installer (currently, just py2app).

Reference counts

The Objective-C rules for reference counts are pretty easy: A small number of class methods (alloc, allocWithZone:, copy, ...) transfer object ownership to the caller. For all other objects you have to call retain if you want to keep a reference. This includes all factory methods, such as [NSString stringWithCString:"bla"]!

When programming Cocoa in Python, you rarely need to worry about reference counts: the objc module makes this completely transparent to user. This is mostly implemented in [de]pythonify_c_value. Additonal code is needed when calling methods that transfer ownership of their return value (as described above) and when updating a instance variable in an Objective-C object (retain new and release old, in that order). Both are implemented.


Python unicode instances are automatically converted to NSString and back. An NSString is represented in Python as a subtype of unicode: objc.pyobjc_unicode. This performs a conversion, because Python's unicode type is immutable, but it also maintains a reference to the original NSString. Currently, the conversion is done using UTF-8 for exchange, because the internal representation of unicode is dependent on compile time settings.

The original, unwrapped, NSString instance is accessible from Python with the nsstring() method of objc.pyobjc_unicode, primarily used to access an updated copy of an NSMutableString's contents. Since PyObjC 1.2, NSString and NSMutableString methods are available from the objc.pyobjc_unicode object, though they do not show up via Python's introspection mechanisms.

For legacy and convenience, Python str instances are automatically coerced to unicode when they cross the bridge using the same mechanism that automatically converts from str to unicode (using sys.getdefaultencoding()). This automatic conversion can cause terrible things to happen at runtime that are hard to test for, so you may enable an objc.PyObjCStrBridgeWarning at each coercion attempt by calling objc.setStrBridgeEnabled(False). To promote this warning to an exception, see the documentation for the warnings module in the standard library.