This directory contains a number of scripts that help in testing PyObjC on a number of platforms. All scripts are python3 scripts. WARNING: The scripts are a work-in-progress and don't work right now. * This script creates a couple of framework builds of Python for various Python releases: - 32-bit (i386, ppc) and intel (i386, x86) - 2.6, 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2 All builds are with '--with-pydebug' and are installed using an alternate framework name to avoid messing with an already existing install. TODO: also install distribute and virtualenv * Uses the frameworks installed by to run all PyObjC tests with all supported Python variants. TODO: - create virtual env and install PyObjC dependencies - install pyobjc-core, pyobjc-framework-Cocoa and pyobjc-framework-Quartz - run tests for pyobjc-core and all framework wrappers - collect the results and create an HTML page with the summary and details. - send e-mail with the result to an e-mail address * TODO: This script will do something simular to run_tests, but builds on a 10.6 machine and runs the tests on a number of different machines (10.4, 10.5)