/* The language describes the PalmOS application's GUI. It's written in a language for the PilRC resource compiler. (http://www.ardiri.com/index.php?redir=palm&cat=pilrc&subcat=index) */ /* The header file which #defines the IDs of all gui objects; it's shared by this file as well as the C code. */ #include "spatula_rsc.h" FORM ID SpatulaForm AT (0 0 160 160) USABLE MODAL BEGIN TITLE "Advanced Spatula Tracker" LABEL "Name: " AUTOID AT (11 35) FONT 1 FIELD ID SpatulaNameField AT (PrevRight PrevTop 50 AUTO) UNDERLINED MULTIPLELINES MAXCHARS 80 BUTTON "Done" ID SpatulaDoneButton AT (CENTER 143 AUTO AUTO) END