## # TCSH Expanded C-Shell INITIALIZATION FILE # User preferences file # Override these in rc.mine # # Wilfredo Sanchez Jr. | tritan@mit.edu # July 09, 1992 # # MIT Project Athena ## if ($?prompt) then # For interactive shells only (ie. not scripts): # Set up prompt set promptchars = "%#" if ("$version" =~ tcsh*) then set prompt = "[%m:%c3] %n%# " else if ($uid) then set prompt = "[$host] $user% " else set prompt = "[$host] $user# " endif endif set prompt2 = "%R -> " # if/while prompt set prompt3 = "OK? %R? " # Spell correction prompt # History set history = 150 # Number of commands saved as history set savehist = 150 #set histlit # Save literal (unparsed) history set histfile = ~/.tcsh_history # History file set cdpath = (~) # Path to search for directory changes # Word Completion set fignore = ( \~ .bak .o .bin RCS CVS ) set nostat = (/afs /net /Net /Network/Servers) set recexact # Exact word expands as well as beeps set autolist # List matching words set matchbeep = notunique # Beep if not unique set autoexpand # Expand history when completing set autocorrect # Correct spelling when completing #set nobeep # Don't beep when complete # pushd/popd/cd set dextract # pushd +n gets stack item n set dunique # Only push unique directories #set pushdtohome # 'pushd' = 'pushd ~' set symlinks = ignore # 'cd ..' goes to previous dir, not $cwd/.. # Random set correct = cmd # Spell Correction on set inputmode = insert # Insert chars (not overwrite) set listjobs = long # List all jobs when suspending (long format) set nokanji # Disable kanji if enabled #set rmstar # Prompt before doing 'rm *' # Command to execute before each prompt #alias precmd 'noop' # Command to execute periodically #set tperiod = 10 # Period, in minutes #alias periodic touch /dev/$tty # Command # Command to execute after changing directory #alias cwdcmd 'noop' # Command to execute when tcsh wants to beep. #alias beepcmp 'noop' # Automatic Logout/Lock #set autologout = "60 10" # Logout after 60 minutes, lock after 10 # Time reporting #set time = 10 # WATCH FOR LOCAL LOGGINS #set watch = ( 1 any any ) #set who = "%B%n%b %a %l from host %B%M%b at %t" # Use bulitin version of ls (= ls -CF) because it's faster #alias ls 'ls-F' endif