This tool can be used to find methods that have signatures that PyObjC isn't able to bridge without further help. Run this tool every time Apple releases a new version of Xcode to check which methods need work (either an updated signature string or manual wrapping). To use: start the Signatures application and select the Scan button. You can either view all methods that were found and have a signature that needs help, or only those that haven't been reviewed/fixed yet. The latter is usually the best. Press the 'Generate' button to create python files that set the rigth signature at runtime. Note: this will use the installed copy of PyObjC to actually find signatures! TODO: - The application should either save automaticly, or warn about unsaved changes. - There is no undo. - merge results of scan with xml signatures list (test) - somehow deal with items where the origSignature has changed - change pyobjc source to use import _signatures instead of import _FrameworkSignatures. Do this for *all* wrapped frameworks. - can we scan the wrapper sources for manual wrappers? -> add markup -> add menu item for generating stub manual wrapper