* [ronald] OC_PythonObject.m contains cruft from the initial experimentations. * [ronald] MallocDebug.app causes a crash in pyobjc (Try running TableModel in MallocDebug) * [ronald] Check all compiler warnings on MacOS X * [ronald] Restructure header files in Modules/objc * [ronald] Contents MANIFEST is no longer valid * [ronald] NSAutoreleasePool raises an exception when you use 'retain'. NSInvocation calls 'retain' on the receiver (at least in the way we use it...) Luckily users normally don't have to create an autorelease pool. * [ronald] pyobjc-0.6.1 and earlier contain some code that is questionable in newer releases of Python. Need to check if all code, and repair where necessary. FIXME_1: In pythonify_c_value() there is the conversion a returned NSString to a PyStringObject. How can we deal with NSString class cluster? Should it maybe check for -cString and -length? [Ronald: One possible fix is to not translate at all, but require an explicit conversion. Need to look into the consequences of this. Either way we need to look into Unicode support. ] * support -release and -autorelease invocations from within Python by setting the reference to the encapsulated ObJC object in the ObjCObject structure to nil (and passing through the release/autorelease). This is not as trivial as it sounds; a method invocation involves two mechanisms. First, the getattr() function is called on ObjCObject to retrieve an ObjCMethod representing the method to be invoked. The ObjCMethod structure contains a reference to the ObjC object in an NSInvocation, but does not contain a reference to the ObjCObject structure that would be required-- adding this appears to be a case of figuring out what is up with Python reference counting. [Ronald: Is this needed? The python wrapper adds an additional reference to objects, the release/retain code should only be used to compensate for objective-C code. It might be usefull to bug-out when the retainCount falls to 0, which would be a bug] * add detection of Mac OS X vs. Mac OS X Server so that references to obsoleted APIs can be removed from the OSX build. [Ronald: Is this relevant? Current version of Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server seem to be fully compatibel] * fix multithreading support in the method dispatch mechanisms. In particular, I believe [but didn't dig] that the argument decoding/encoding stuff is not thread safe in that it uses static variables? [Ronald: the argument_arena code is not thread-safe, and there are some static buffers lurking in other parts of the code. The arguments_arena code should no longer be necessary (and it is normally not compiled)] * add support for proper sequence and dictionary based manipulation of ObjC objects via the standard python mechanisms [Ronald: Done, but mechanism is not 100% to my liking] * rip off various "intra-language interface friendly" API and code from Mssh: MultiScript Shell -- see ftp://ftp.codefab.com/pub/unsupported/. (Before anyone gets offended by "rip off", I wrote Mssh and I'm writing this comment and, as such, I'm "ripping off" my own code!. ) [Might still be usefull, didn't look into this] * fix BUGS * rip out all code using 'alloca'. This function is marked depricated on most platforms, and seems to confuse debuggers.