-*- text -*- Create python functions (or *classes*?) specifically for querying and writing to each table. These methods would encapsulate all of the SQL queries under the hood. Then the main script would devote itself to reading CGI data from forms, passing them to the SQL classes, and generating dynamic HTML results pages. Come up with an import/export format ASAP, perhaps xml. Though a text-export format is also critical for emailing results to people. Then if I decide to change the schema and rebuild the database from scratch, we can dump/load as we do in svn. It also means people can start entering recipes right away (either via CGI or by handwriting XML), and we won't risk losing the content. -------------- Recipe edit form: * all recipe fields * special area: edit a list of "ingredient_quantity" records - the list is a query of all ing_q records that match recipe_id - "edit list" button --> new popup window with standard add/change/delete abilities -