#!/usr/bin/env python2
# (C) 2003 Ben Collins-Sussman under the GNU General Public License.
# See the file COPYING for details.
import MySQLdb, cgi
# enable debugging: displays detailed exceptions in web browser.
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# temporary: eventually put 'effrecipes.py' into a standard PYTHONPATH
# location, like /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
import sys
import effrecipes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def print_header(page_title):
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "
Effrecipes: add ingredient\n"
print "", page_title, "
def print_footer():
print ""
def print_form(recipe, conn):
# fetch the lists of all known units and ingredients
all_units = effrecipes.unit_list(None, conn)
all_ingredients = effrecipes.ingredient_list(None, conn)
# fetch the current list of IngredientQuantity objects attached to recipe
current_ingredients = recipe.ingredientlist(conn)
# the form action invokes this same page again, so users can
# repeatedly add ingredients.
print '\n'
# show all attached IngredientQuantity objects in a table, with option
# to delete any one of them.
print 'Current ingredients attached to this recipe:
print "\n"
for record in current_ingredients:
unit = effrecipes.unit_lookup(record.UnitId, conn)
ingredient = effrecipes.ingredient_lookup(record.IngId, conn)
print ''
print 'Amount = ' + str(record.Amount) + ' | '
print '' + unit.Name + ' | '
print '' + ingredient.Name + ' | '
print ' | '
print '
print "
# Main logic
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user='effuser', passwd='effuser', db='effrecipes')
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
# fetch the recipe object to which we're attaching ingredients
val = form["Id"].value
recipe = effrecipes.recipe_lookup(int(val), conn)
# Initial handshake output
print_header("Adding Ingredients to
'" + recipe.Name + "'")
# Accepting new data:
# There MIGHT be new ingredientquantity data coming in here;
# if so, validate it and create a new record.
if (form.has_key("Amount")):
amount = int(form["Amount"].value)
unitid = int(form["UnitId"].value)
ingid = int(form["IngId"].value)
new_ingquantity = effrecipes.IngredientQuantity(int(val),
amount, unitid, ingid)
# Now show the real input form
print_form(recipe, conn)