#!/usr/bin/env python2
# (C) 2003 Ben Collins-Sussman under the GNU General Public License.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# Edit a "Unit" record.
import MySQLdb, cgi
# enable debugging: displays detailed exceptions in web browser.
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# temporary: eventually put 'effrecipes.py' into a standard PYTHONPATH
# location, like /usr/lib/python2.3/site-pacakages/
import sys
import effrecipes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def save_record(form, conn):
"""Write record in FORM to database, overwriting unit with
matching Id field.. If FORM has no Id field, a new record is
created in database."""
if form.has_key("recipe_id"):
id = int(form["recipe_id"].value)
id = None
name = form["recipe_name"].value
instructions = form["recipe_instructions"].value
commentary = form["recipe_commentary"].value
servinghistory = form["recipe_servinghistory"].value
attribution = form["recipe_attribution"].value
rating = form["recipe_rating"].value
# This will either read an existing record (if id is an integer),
# or create a new record (if id is None)
recipe_object = effrecipes.Recipe(id, name, rating, instructions, \
commentary, servinghistory, attribution)
if id is None:
print "New recipe saved.
print "Recipe #", form["recipe_id"].value, "has been updated.
def delete_record(form, conn):
"Delete record that matches FORM's Id."
id = int(form["recipe_id"].value)
recipe = effrecipes.recipe_lookup(id, conn)
print "Recipe deleted.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize database connection
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user='effuser', passwd='effuser', db='effrecipes')
# Initial generic HTML 'header' output
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "