Your query (in SQL): [query] [if-any chamber_group_warning composer_warning abbreviation_warning] Hints: [if-any chamber_group_warning][chamber_group_warning][end] [if-any composer_warning][composer_warning][end] [if-any abbreviation_warning][abbreviation_warning][end] [end] [num_results] Results: [for rows] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Composer: [if-any rows.composer][rows.composer][end] Title: [if-any rows.title][rows.title][end] Soloists: [if-any rows.soloists][rows.soloists][end] Accompanist: [if-any rows.accompanist][rows.accompanist][end] Conductor: [if-any rows.conductor][rows.conductor][end] Orchestra: [if-any rows.orchestra][rows.orchestra][end] Date: [if-any][][end] Hall: [if-any rows.hall][rows.hall][end] Date Catalogued: [if-any rows.date_catalogued][rows.date_catalogued][end] Composer Involved: [if-any rows.composer_involved][rows.composer_involved][end] Live/Studio: [if-any rows.live_studio][rows.live_studio][end] LP or CD: [if-any rows.lp_or_cd][rows.lp_or_cd][end] Timing: [if-any rows.timing][rows.timing][end] Label and Number: [if-any rows.label_and_number][rows.label_and_number][end] Nationality: [if-any rows.nationality][rows.nationality][end] Type: [if-any rows.type][rows.type][end] [end] [if-any rows] [else] No matches for your search criteria. TIP: If your search turns up zero results, try doing a much broader search and then searching *within* the results, using your browser's "Find" feature. For example, if you enter "Rachmaninoff" in the Composer field and "Corelli Variations" in the Title field, you would get no results. But if you leave the title empty and just do a search on "Rachmaninoff", you'll see all the recordings we have of music by Rachmaninoff. Then you can look for "Corelli" in those results, and see that the piece is listed as "Variations on a Theme of Corelli, Op. 42". If you expected results and got none, please consult to see if you're using the database correctly. Or if you think you've encountered a bug in the search software, please email me, kfogel {_at_} (sorry, email address disguised to fool spam harvesters), with the details of your search, so I can reproduce and then fix the problem. [end]