Changes since 2.3: * Update license to GPLv3. * New derived major mode for .hsc files. * Removed the C-c C-r binding to reload a file. You can still call inferior-haskell-reload-file (and/or bind it to your favorite key, including C-c C-r) or you can now use C-u C-c C-l. * C-c C-d looks up the symbol at point in the Haddock docs. * Haddock comments are highlighted with font-lock-doc-face if it exists. * Use `tex' rather than `latex' for haskell-literate. * inf-haskell.el tries to find the root of the module hierarchy to determine the root of a project (either by looking for a Cabal file or relying on the `module' declaration line). If all works well, this will make C-c C-l automatically switch to the root dir, so that dependencies in other directories are automatically found. If it doesn't, complain and/or set inferior-haskell-find-project-root to nil. * The new command haskell-hoogle helps you query Hoogle from Emacs. Changes since 2.2: * Trivial support for Cabal package description files. * Minor bug fixes. Changes since 2.1: * There are now commands to find type and info of identifiers by querying an inferior haskell process. Available under C-c C-t, C-c C-i, and C-c M-. * Indentation now looks back further, until a line that has no indentation. To recover the earlier behavior of stopping at the first empty line instead, configure haskell-indent-look-past-empty-line. * inf-haskell can wait until a file load completes and jump directly to the first error, like haskell-ghci and haskell-hugs used to do. See the var inferior-haskell-wait-and-jump. Changes since 2.0: * inf-haskell uses ghci if hugs is absent. * Fix up some binding conflicts (C-c C-o in haskell-doc) * Many (hopefully minor) changes to the indentation. * New symbols in haskell-font-lock-symbols-alist. Changes since 1.45: * keybindings C-c have been replaced by C-c C- so as not to collide with minor modes. * The following modules are now automatically activated without having to add anything to haskell-mode-hook: haskell-font-lock (just turn on global-font-lock-mode). haskell-decl-scan (just bind `imenu' to some key). * In recent Emacsen, haskell-doc hooks into eldoc-mode. * haskell-hugs and haskell-ghci are superceded by inf-haskell. * Indentation rules have been improved when using layout inside parens/braces. * Symbols like -> and \ can be displayed as actual arrows and lambdas. See haskell-font-lock-symbols. * Tweaks to the font-lock settings. Among other things paren-matching with things like \(x,y) should work correctly now. * New maintainer . # arch-tag: e50204f2-98e4-438a-bcd1-a49afde5efa5