Haskell Mode for Emacs ---------------------- Version number: v2_4. This is the Haskell mode package for Emacs. Its use should be mostly self-explanatory if you're accustomed to Emacs. When Emacs is started up, it normally runs a file called ~/.emacs located in your home directory. This file should contain all of your personal customisations written as a series of Elisp commands. In order to install the Haskell mode, you have to tell Emacs where to find it. This is done by adding some commands to the init file. Installation ------------ - If you are using XEmacs, the haskell-mode package may be available for installation through the XEmacs package UI. - If you are using Debian, you may be able to install the package haskell-mode with a command like "apt-get install haskell-mode". Otherwise: - Download and unpack the basic mode and modules into a suitable directory, e.g. ~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/ where ~ stands for your home directory. - Assuming you have placed the basic mode haskell-mode.el and the modules you want to use in the directory ~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/, add the following command to your init file (~/.emacs): (load "~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/haskell-site-file") adding the following lines according to which modules you want to use: (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode) (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent) ;;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-simple-indent) Note that the two indentation modules are mutually exclusive - add at most one. Note that the line of code for simple indentation is commented out (using a preceeding ;) in preference for the more advanced indentation module. Installation is now complete! The other modules are automatically loaded when needed in the following way: - Font locking: just turn it on via `global-font-lock-mode' or do (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode) - Declaration scanning: just use M-x imenu or bind `imenu' to a key. E.g. (global-set-key [(control meta down-mouse-3)] 'imenu) or you can also add it to the menubar with (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index) - Interaction with inferior Haskell interpreter: just hit C-c C-z or C-c C-l. Customization ------------- Most customizations are on the functionality of a particular module. See the documentation of that module for information on its customisation. Known problems -------------- It seems that some version of XEmacs come without the fsf-compat package (which provides functions such as `line-end-position') and it seems that even if your XEmacs does have the fsf-compat package installed it does not autoload its part. Thus you may have to install the fsf-compat package and add (require 'goto-addr) in your .emacs. Support ------- Any problems, do mail me and I will try my best to help you!