;;; haskell-mode.el --- A Haskell editing mode -*-coding: iso-8859-1;-*- ;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc ;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1997-1998 Simon Marlow, Graeme E Moss, and Tommy Thorn ;; Authors: 1992 Simon Marlow ;; 1997-1998 Graeme E Moss and ;; Tommy Thorn , ;; 2001-2002 Reuben Thomas (>=v1.4) ;; 2003 Dave Love ;; Keywords: faces files Haskell ;; Version: v2_4 ;; URL: http://www.haskell.org/haskell-mode/ ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; Purpose: ;; ;; To provide a pleasant mode to browse and edit Haskell files, linking ;; into the following supported modules: ;; ;; `haskell-font-lock', Graeme E Moss and Tommy Thorn ;; Fontifies standard Haskell keywords, symbols, functions, etc. ;; ;; `haskell-decl-scan', Graeme E Moss ;; Scans top-level declarations, and places them in a menu. ;; ;; `haskell-doc', Hans-Wolfgang Loidl ;; Echoes types of functions or syntax of keywords when the cursor is idle. ;; ;; `haskell-indent', Guy Lapalme ;; Intelligent semi-automatic indentation. ;; ;; `haskell-simple-indent', Graeme E Moss and Heribert Schuetz ;; Simple indentation. ;; ;; `inf-haskell' ;; Interaction with an inferior Haskell process. ;; It replaces the previous two modules: ;; `haskell-hugs', Guy Lapalme ;; `haskell-ghci', Chris Web ;; ;; ;; This mode supports full Haskell 1.4 including literate scripts. ;; In some versions of (X)Emacs it may only support Latin-1, not Unicode. ;; ;; Installation: ;; ;; Put in your ~/.emacs: ;; ;; (setq auto-mode-alist ;; (append auto-mode-alist ;; '(("\\.[hg]s$" . haskell-mode) ;; ("\\.hi$" . haskell-mode) ;; ("\\.l[hg]s$" . literate-haskell-mode)))) ;; ;; (autoload 'haskell-mode "haskell-mode" ;; "Major mode for editing Haskell scripts." t) ;; (autoload 'literate-haskell-mode "haskell-mode" ;; "Major mode for editing literate Haskell scripts." t) ;; ;; with `haskell-mode.el' accessible somewhere on the load-path. ;; To add a directory `~/lib/emacs' (for example) to the load-path, ;; add the following to .emacs: ;; ;; (setq load-path (cons "~/lib/emacs" load-path)) ;; ;; To turn any of the supported modules on for all buffers, add the ;; appropriate line(s) to .emacs: ;; ;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-decl-scan) ;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode) ;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent) ;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-simple-indent) ;; ;; Make sure the module files are also on the load-path. Note that ;; the two indentation modules are mutually exclusive: Use only one. ;; ;; ;; Customisation: ;; ;; Set the value of `haskell-literate-default' to your preferred ;; literate style: `bird' or `tex', within .emacs as follows: ;; ;; (setq haskell-literate-default 'tex) ;; ;; Also see the customisations of the modules. ;; ;; ;; History: ;; ;; This mode is based on an editing mode by Simon Marlow 11/1/92 ;; and heavily modified by Graeme E Moss and Tommy Thorn 7/11/98. ;; ;; If you have any problems or suggestions specific to a supported ;; module, consult that module for a list of known bugs, and an ;; author to contact via email. For general problems or suggestions, ;; consult the list below, then email gem@cs.york.ac.uk and ;; thorn@irisa.fr quoting the version of the mode you are using, the ;; version of Emacs you are using, and a small example of the problem ;; or suggestion. ;; ;; Version 1.43: ;; Various tweaks to doc strings and customization support from ;; Ville Skyttä . ;; ;; Version 1.42: ;; Added autoload for GHCi inferior mode (thanks to Scott ;; Williams for the bug report and fix). ;; ;; Version 1.41: ;; Improved packaging, and made a couple more variables ;; interactively settable. ;; ;; Version 1.4: ;; Added GHCi mode from Chris Webb, and tidied up a little. ;; ;; Version 1.3: ;; The literate or non-literate style of a buffer is now indicated ;; by just the variable haskell-literate: nil, `bird', or `tex'. ;; For literate buffers with ambiguous style, the value of ;; haskell-literate-default is used. ;; ;; Version 1.2: ;; Separated off font locking, declaration scanning and simple ;; indentation, and made them separate modules. Modules can be ;; added easily now. Support for modules haskell-doc, ;; haskell-indent, and haskell-hugs. Literate and non-literate ;; modes integrated into one mode, and literate buffer indicated by ;; value of haskell-literate(-bird-style). ;; ;; Version 1.1: ;; Added support for declaration scanning under XEmacs via ;; func-menu. Moved operators to level two fontification. ;; ;; Version 1.0: ;; Added a nice indention support from Heribert Schuetz ;; : ;; ;; I have just hacked an Emacs Lisp function which you might prefer ;; to `indent-relative' in haskell-mode.el. See below. It is not ;; really Haskell-specific because it does not take into account ;; keywords like `do', `of', and `let' (where the layout rule ;; applies), but I already find it useful. ;; ;; Cleaned up the imenu support. Added support for literate scripts. ;; ;; Version 0.103 [HWL]: ;; From Hans Wolfgang Loidl : ;; ;; I (HWL) added imenu support by copying the appropriate functions ;; from hugs-mode. A menu-bar item "Declarations" is now added in ;; haskell mode. The new code, however, needs some clean-up. ;; ;; Version 0.102: ;; ;; Moved C-c C-c key binding to comment-region. Leave M-g M-g to do ;; the work. comment-start-skip is changed to comply with comment-start. ;; ;; Version 0.101: ;; ;; Altered indent-line-function to indent-relative. ;; ;; Version 0.100: ;; ;; First official release. ;; Present Limitations/Future Work (contributions are most welcome!): ;; ;; . Would like RET in Bird-style literate mode to add a ">" at the ;; start of a line when previous line starts with ">". Or would ;; "> " be better? ;; ;; . Support for GreenCard? ;; ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;; All functions/variables start with `(literate-)haskell-'. ;; Version of mode. (defconst haskell-version "v2_4" "`haskell-mode' version number.") (defun haskell-version () "Echo the current version of `haskell-mode' in the minibuffer." (interactive) (message "Using haskell-mode version %s" haskell-version)) (defgroup haskell nil "Major mode for editing Haskell programs." :group 'languages :prefix "haskell-") ;; Set up autoloads for the modules we supply (autoload 'turn-on-haskell-decl-scan "haskell-decl-scan" "Turn on Haskell declaration scanning." t) (autoload 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode "haskell-doc" "Turn on Haskell Doc minor mode." t) (autoload 'turn-on-haskell-indent "haskell-indent" "Turn on Haskell indentation." t) (autoload 'turn-on-haskell-simple-indent "haskell-simple-indent" "Turn on simple Haskell indentation." t) ;; Functionality provided in other files. (autoload 'haskell-ds-create-imenu-index "haskell-decl-scan") (autoload 'haskell-font-lock-choose-keywords "haskell-font-lock") (autoload 'haskell-doc-current-info "haskell-doc") ;; Obsolete functions. (defun turn-on-haskell-font-lock () (turn-on-font-lock) (message "turn-on-haskell-font-lock is obsolete. Use turn-on-font-lock instead.")) (defun turn-on-haskell-hugs () (message "haskell-hugs is obsolete.")) (defun turn-on-haskell-ghci () (message "haskell-ghci is obsolete.")) ;; Are we looking at a literate script? (defvar haskell-literate nil "*If not nil, the current buffer contains a literate Haskell script. Possible values are: `bird' and `tex', for Bird-style and LaTeX-style literate scripts respectively. Set by `haskell-mode' and `literate-haskell-mode'. For an ambiguous literate buffer -- ie. does not contain either \"\\begin{code}\" or \"\\end{code}\" on a line on its own, nor does it contain \">\" at the start of a line -- the value of `haskell-literate-default' is used.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'haskell-literate) (put 'haskell-literate 'safe-local-variable 'symbolp) ;; Default literate style for ambiguous literate buffers. (defcustom haskell-literate-default 'bird "Default value for `haskell-literate'. Used if the style of a literate buffer is ambiguous. This variable should be set to the preferred literate style." :type '(choice (const bird) (const tex) (const nil))) ;; Mode maps. (defvar haskell-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; Bindings for the inferior haskell process: ;; (define-key map [?\M-C-x] 'inferior-haskell-send-defun) ;; (define-key map [?\C-x ?\C-e] 'inferior-haskell-send-last-sexp) ;; (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-r] 'inferior-haskell-send-region) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-z] 'switch-to-haskell) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-l] 'inferior-haskell-load-file) ;; I think it makes sense to bind inferior-haskell-load-and-run to C-c ;; C-r, but since it used to be bound to `reload' until june 2007, I'm ;; going to leave it out for now. ;; (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-r] 'inferior-haskell-load-and-run) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-b] 'switch-to-haskell) ;; (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-s] 'inferior-haskell-start-process) ;; That's what M-; is for. ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'comment-region) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-t") 'inferior-haskell-type) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'inferior-haskell-info) (define-key map (kbd "C-c M-.") 'inferior-haskell-find-definition) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'inferior-haskell-find-haddock) (define-key map [remap delete-indentation] 'haskell-delete-indentation) map) "Keymap used in Haskell mode.") (easy-menu-define haskell-mode-menu haskell-mode-map "Menu for the Haskell major mode." ;; Suggestions from Pupeno : ;; - choose the underlying interpreter ;; - look up docs `("Haskell" ["Indent line" indent-according-to-mode] ["Indent region" indent-region mark-active] ["(Un)Comment region" comment-region mark-active] "---" ["Start interpreter" switch-to-haskell] ["Load file" inferior-haskell-load-file] "---" ,(if (default-boundp 'eldoc-documentation-function) ["Doc mode" eldoc-mode :style toggle :selected (bound-and-true-p eldoc-mode)] ["Doc mode" haskell-doc-mode :style toggle :selected (and (boundp 'haskell-doc-mode) haskell-doc-mode)]) ["Customize" (customize-group 'haskell)] )) ;; Syntax table. (defvar haskell-mode-syntax-table (let ((table (make-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?\ " " table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\t " " table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\'" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[" table) (cond ((featurep 'xemacs) ;; I don't know whether this is equivalent to the below ;; (modulo nesting). -- fx (modify-syntax-entry ?{ "(}5" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?} "){8" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?- "_ 1267" table)) (t ;; In Emacs 21, the `n' indicates that they nest. ;; The `b' annotation is actually ignored because it's only ;; meaningful on the second char of a comment-starter, so ;; on Emacs 20 and before we get wrong results. --Stef (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}1nb" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){4nb" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?- "_ 123" table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table) (let (i lim) (map-char-table (lambda (k v) (when (equal v '(1)) ;; The current Emacs 22 codebase can pass either a char ;; or a char range. (if (consp k) (setq i (car k) lim (cdr k)) (setq i k lim k)) (while (<= i lim) (when (> i 127) (modify-syntax-entry i "_" table)) (setq i (1+ i))))) (standard-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?\` "$`" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" table) (mapc (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry x "_" table)) ;; Some of these are actually OK by default. "!#$%&*+./:<=>?@^|~") (unless (featurep 'mule) ;; Non-ASCII syntax should be OK, at least in Emacs. (mapc (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry x "_" table)) (concat "¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿" "×÷")) (mapc (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry x "w" table)) (concat "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ" "ØÙÚÛÜÝÞß" "àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö" "øùúûüýþÿ"))) table) "Syntax table used in Haskell mode.") (defun haskell-ident-at-point () "Return the identifier under point, or nil if none found. May return a qualified name." (save-excursion (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (multiple-value-bind (start end) (if (looking-at "\\s_") (values (progn (skip-syntax-backward "_") (point)) (progn (skip-syntax-forward "_") (point))) (values (progn (skip-syntax-backward "w'") (skip-syntax-forward "'") (point)) (progn (skip-syntax-forward "w'") (point)))) ;; If we're looking at a module ID that qualifies further IDs, add ;; those IDs. (goto-char start) (while (and (looking-at "[[:upper:]]") (eq (char-after end) ?.) ;; It's a module ID that qualifies further IDs. (goto-char (1+ end)) (save-excursion (when (not (zerop (skip-syntax-forward (if (looking-at "\\s_") "_" "w'")))) (setq end (point)))))) ;; If we're looking at an ID that's itself qualified by previous ;; module IDs, add those too. (goto-char start) (if (eq (char-after) ?.) (forward-char 1)) ;Special case for "." (while (and (eq (char-before) ?.) (progn (forward-char -1) (not (zerop (skip-syntax-backward "w'")))) (skip-syntax-forward "'") (looking-at "[[:upper:]]")) (setq start (point))) ;; This is it. (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))))) (defun haskell-delete-indentation (&optional arg) "Like `delete-indentation' but ignoring Bird-stlye \">\"." (interactive "*P") (let ((fill-prefix (or fill-prefix (if (eq haskell-literate 'bird) ">")))) (delete-indentation arg))) ;; Various mode variables. (defcustom haskell-mode-hook nil "Hook run after entering Haskell mode." :type 'hook :options '(turn-on-haskell-indent turn-on-font-lock turn-on-eldoc-mode imenu-add-menubar-index)) (defvar eldoc-print-current-symbol-info-function) ;; The main mode functions ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode haskell-mode fundamental-mode "Haskell" "Major mode for editing Haskell programs. Blank lines separate paragraphs, comments start with `-- '. \\ Literate scripts are supported via `literate-haskell-mode'. The variable `haskell-literate' indicates the style of the script in the current buffer. See the documentation on this variable for more details. Modules can hook in via `haskell-mode-hook'. The following modules are supported with an `autoload' command: `haskell-decl-scan', Graeme E Moss Scans top-level declarations, and places them in a menu. `haskell-doc', Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Echoes types of functions or syntax of keywords when the cursor is idle. `haskell-indent', Guy Lapalme Intelligent semi-automatic indentation. `haskell-simple-indent', Graeme E Moss and Heribert Schuetz Simple indentation. Module X is activated using the command `turn-on-X'. For example, `haskell-indent' is activated using `turn-on-haskell-indent'. For more information on a module, see the help for its `X-mode' function. Some modules can be deactivated using `turn-off-X'. (Note that `haskell-doc' is irregular in using `turn-(on/off)-haskell-doc-mode'.) Use `haskell-version' to find out what version this is. Invokes `haskell-mode-hook'." (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter)) (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) paragraph-start) (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "-- ") (set (make-local-variable 'comment-padding) 0) (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "[-{]-[ \t]*") (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "") (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end-skip) "[ \t]*\\(-}\\|\\s>\\)") (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t) ;; Set things up for eldoc-mode. (set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function) 'haskell-doc-current-info) ;; Set things up for imenu. (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-create-index-function) 'haskell-ds-create-imenu-index) ;; Set things up for font-lock. (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(haskell-font-lock-choose-keywords nil nil ((?\' . "w") (?_ . "w")) nil (font-lock-syntactic-keywords . haskell-font-lock-choose-syntactic-keywords) (font-lock-syntactic-face-function . haskell-syntactic-face-function) ;; Get help from font-lock-syntactic-keywords. (parse-sexp-lookup-properties . t))) ;; Haskell's layout rules mean that TABs have to be handled with extra care. ;; The safer option is to avoid TABs. The second best is to make sure ;; TABs stops are 8 chars apart, as mandated by the Haskell Report. --Stef (set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) nil) (set (make-local-variable 'tab-width) 8) (setq haskell-literate nil)) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode literate-haskell-mode haskell-mode "LitHaskell" "As `haskell-mode' but for literate scripts." (setq haskell-literate (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (cond ((re-search-forward "^\\\\\\(begin\\|end\\){code}$" nil t) 'tex) ((re-search-forward "^>" nil t) 'bird) (t haskell-literate-default)))) (set (make-local-variable 'mode-line-process) '("/" haskell-literate))) ;;;###autoload(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(?:[gh]s\\|hi\\)\\'" . haskell-mode)) ;;;###autoload(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l[gh]s\\'" . literate-haskell-mode)) ;;;###autoload(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode) ;;;###autoload(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent) (defcustom haskell-hoogle-command (if (executable-find "hoogle") "hoogle") "Name of the command to use to query Hoogle. If nil, use the Hoogle web-site." :type '(choice (const :tag "Use Web-site" nil) string)) ;;;###autoload (defun haskell-hoogle (query) "Do a Hoogle search for QUERY." (interactive (let ((def (haskell-ident-at-point))) (if (and def (symbolp def)) (setq def (symbol-name def))) (list (read-string (if def (format "Hoogle query (default %s): " def) "Hoogle query: ") nil nil def)))) (if (null haskell-hoogle-command) (browse-url (format "http://haskell.org/hoogle/?q=%s" query)) (if (fboundp 'help-setup-xref) (help-setup-xref (list 'haskell-hoogle query) (interactive-p))) (with-output-to-temp-buffer (if (fboundp 'help-buffer) (help-buffer) "*Help*") (with-current-buffer standard-output (start-process "hoogle" (current-buffer) haskell-hoogle-command query))))) ;; Provide ourselves: (provide 'haskell-mode) ;; arch-tag: b2237ec0-ddb0-4c86-9339-52d410264980 ;;; haskell-mode.el ends here