JavaScript in 10 minutes ------------------------ yet another Bennish-summary, based on O'Reilly Pocket Reference General ------- * overall syntax is very similar to java and C: - case-sensitive - whitespace-insensitive - statements terminate with semicolon - blocks use curly braces - allows both C and C++ style comments * language is object-oriented. * variables are UNTYPED. declare them with 'var': var i = 6; var name = 'george'; * scoping is weird. - global vars are properties of special Global object - local vars are properties of function's Argument object - NO block-level scoping of variables: { var baz, foo = 2; {var bar = 5; } baz = foo + bar} 'bar' is visible everywhere in function! but not outside function. Data Types ---------- A. Numbers All numbers are 64-bit floats, end of story. You can write them with our without decimal points: 4, 3.49, -34.9888888. Hex numbers are legal: 0xB7 Overflows return special values, underflows return 0. Divide by zero (and similar) return "NaN"; detect with isNaN(). Number object has nice methods. So does Math object. B. Booleans var foo = true; var bar = false; C. Strings IMMUTABLE 16-bit unicode. Can use single or double quotes, nested too: 'foo "bar" baz' Standard escapes: \n, \r, \t, etc. String class has builtin .length() method. Concatenation: var newstring = "foo" + "bar"; Compare by string value: (foo == bar) D. Objects Data within objects ("properties") just appear as needed. No need to declare class internals. var foo = new BlahObject(3, 4); // constructor foo.x = 19; foo.somevar = "hello"; var q = foo["somevar"] // can be accessed via array notation too var w = {x:19, somevar:"hello"} // curly braces initialization E. Arrays An object whose keys are strictly numbers. var moo = new Array(15); // 15 elements moo[4] = "whatup"; var other_array = [19, 23, "blah", 8]; // square bracket init. F. "null" --> just like python's "None". Functions --------- Declare with 'function' keyword: function foo(x, y) { ... } Just like Java and C. Every function contains an implicit arguments[] array that lists incoming args. Operators --------- All the usual Java/C operators, plus some extras: typeof returns number,string,boolean,object,function in if (color in object) ==> returns boolean instanceof if (foo instanceof MyClass) ==> boolean delete delete foo.color ==> removes property. === "strict" version of == , requires type match. !== Control ------- Just like C : if / else if / else return while (), do {} while () for (__; ___; ___) switch/case/break/default continue try/catch/throw/finally Not like C: for (x in object) ==> assigns every property of object to x Objects ------- Define a object type by defining a constructor using 'this': function Foo(x,y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } Then add stuff to the constructor's 'prototype' property to expand the class: Foo.prototype.MyMethod = function(z) { { return (z + this.x + this.y); } To declare *static* class variables or methods, add them directly to the constructor: Foo.PI = 3.14159 Regexps ------- Basically it's Perl regexp syntax: /regexp/ Invoke through various string methods: foo = "hello world"; var result =; // returns position of match, or -1 var result2 = foo.replace(/world/gi, "planet"); var matchlist = foo.match(/l/g); // returns array of results Lots of features here, see book. There's also a python-style RegExp class you can use. WEB BROWSER USAGE and APIs -------------------------- Embed via . Or, point to source: