Setting up a WordPress Blog on red-bean ======================================= :author: and .. contents:: Instructions largely derived from * Download the latest production version of WordPress. * Create a new mysql database (and mysql username) for your new blog. Substitute your weblog name for "blogname":: | mysql -u root -p | mysql> create database wp_blogname; | mysql> grant all privileges on wp_blogname.* to "bloguser"@"localhost" | identified by "<>"; | mysql> exit * Untar/unzip the contents of the wordpress distribution into the directory that will be the root of the weblog. We have a virtualhost set up in httpd.conf just for weblogs: '', and they all live in /www/blog/. | su - www-data | cd /www/blog/ | tar xfvzp wordpress.tar.gz | mv wordpress blogname * Rename **wp-config-sample.php** to **wp-config.php**:: | mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php * Edit wp-config.php. Make the following changes: * define the DB_NAME to be the same as the database created in mysql. * set the DB_USE, DB_PASSWORD, and DB_HOST to be the same as created in mysql * set the *$table_prefix* to be "``wp_blogname_``". This ensures no overlap between weblogs. * Visit the setup 'wizard' in a browser to complete the installation: