;;;; Test input for c-api-sexp. -*- mode: scheme -*- ;;; Booleans. #t #f #t#f #f#t ;;; Numbers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1000 #b0 #b1 #b00 #b11 #o0 #o1 #o2 #o3 #o4 #o5 #o6 #o7 #o00 #o11 #o22 #o33 #o44 #o55 #o66 #o77 #x0 #x1 #x2 #x3 #x4 #x5 #x6 #x7 #x8 #x9 #xa #xb #xc #xd #xe #xf #x00 #x11 #x22 #x33 #x44 #x55 #x66 #x77 #x88 #x99 #xaa #xbb #xcc #xdd #xee #xff ;;; Negative numbers. -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -11 -22 -33 -44 -55 -66 -77 -88 -99 -1000 #b-0 #b-1 #b-00 #b-11 #o-0 #o-1 #o-2 #o-3 #o-4 #o-5 #o-6 #o-7 #o-00 #o-11 #o-22 #o-33 #o-44 #o-55 #o-66 #o-77 #x-0 #x-1 #x-2 #x-3 #x-4 #x-5 #x-6 #x-7 #x-8 #x-9 #x-a #x-b #x-c #x-d #x-e #x-f #x-00 #x-11 #x-22 #x-33 #x-44 #x-55 #x-66 #x-77 #x-88 #x-99 #x-aa #x-bb #x-cc #x-dd #x-ee #x-ff ;;; Symbols. a + - 1+ 1- lambda-calculus quoted\ characters |quoted characters| |\| \| |\| ; Repeat to de-confuse Emacs font lock Case-Insensitivity \Case-\Sensitivity |Case-Sensitivity| quit-baby|COW|\| abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\ 0123456789\ !\"\#%&\'\(\)*+\,-./:\;<=>?\[\\\]^_\{\|\}~ ;;; Strings. "" "a" "\"" "\\" "\n" "escaped\ newline" "conglomeration agglutination" ;;; Lists. () (1) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4) (1 (2 3) 4) ((((()))((())))(()())(())) (lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (f (x x))) (lambda (x) (f (x x))))) (a . b) (a . (b . (c . ()))) (a.(b.(c.()))) ;;; Vectors. #() #(a b c) #(()) ;;; Microsyntax. 'a `b ,c ,@d '`,,@e 'f`g,h,@i ;;; Shared structure. #0=(1 . #0#) #1000=(1 . #1000#) (#8= (#7= (#6= (#5= (#4= (#3= (#2= (#1= (#0= (()) . #0#) . #1#) . #2#) . #3#) . #4#) . #5#) . #6#) . #7#) . #8#) #0=#(#0# #0# #0# #0#) #0=(#0# #0# #0# #0#) ; Refer to a mark both before and after it's defined. This was more ; educational than I had expected. (#0=#(#0#) #0#) ; Record locations in a mark object after we know its value. (#0# #0=(hi))