Minor Scheme -*- mode: text -*- ============ Minor Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, under construction; its home page is http://www.red-bean.com/trac/minor/. Our goals are: - good performance, via: + just-in-time and ahead-of-time compilers generating native machine code, and + precise, generational garbage collection, - full support for native system threads, - full source-level debugging, - a C API and a foreign function interface, for interfacing with C code, - a module system which supports separate compilation and cross-compilation, and - a hygenic macro system. Minor currently requires: - Either: + An IA-32 family processor, 80486 or later (the 80386 does not guarantee atomicity of word stores in an SMP configuration), or + An AMD64 family processor. - POSIX (IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition), with the following optional functionality (marked as indicated in the margins of the spec): + X/Open System Interface Extensions ("XSI") (the sigaction interface, in particular) + Threads ("THR") + Semaphores ("SEM") - A version of GNU CC implementing ISO C (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E), commonly called "C99") - Versions of GNU CC, the GNU Binutils, and the GNU C library that support the '__thread' thread-local storage class. Building from sources ===================== You can get the current Minor sources from the Subversion repository: $ svn co http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/minor/trunk The source tree as stored doesn't contain generated files like 'configure' or 'Makefile.in'. The 'config.sh' script takes care of that: $ ./config.sh From there, the usual GNU steps should work: $ ./configure $ make If you'd like to run the tests, you can do that: $ make check