Coordinando a los Voluntarios Conseguir que la gente se ponga de acuerdo sobre cuales son las necesidades de un proyecto, y trabajar en la misma dirección para llevarlas a cabo, requiere de algo más que un ambiente de trabajo genial sin disfunciones visibles. Requiere una, o varias personas, que coordinen diligentemente a toda la gente involucrada en el proyecto. Es posible que coordinar voluntarios no sea un arte tecnológico como lo pueda ser la programación, pero como cualquier arte puede mejorarse a través del estudio y la práctica. Este capítulo es un cajón de sastre de técnicas para coordinar voluntarios. Se nutre, quizá más intensamente que capítulos anteriores, en el proyecto Subversion, en parte porque yo trabajaba en dicho proyecto mientras escribía esto y tenía información de primera mano, y en parte porque es más aceptable tirar piedras sobre mi propio tejado que sobre el tejado de otro. No obstante, también he sido testigo de las consecuencias que ha tenido aplicar sobre otros proyectos (y las consecuencias de no hacerlo) las recomendaciones que se exponen a continuación. Siempre que sea políticamente correcto dar detalles de otros proyectos, así lo haré. Hablando de política, este momento es tan bueno como cualquier otro para inspeccionar en detalle la susodicha palabra maldita. Muchos ingenieros hablan de política como si no fuera con ellos; "Yo me centro en la mejor para el proyecto, pero Ella no deja de poner pegas por razones políticas." Pienso que dicho distanciamiento de la política (o por lo que se piensa que es la política) es especialmente significativo entre los ingenieros, porque se los educa para pensar que siempre hay razones objetivas para determinar que unas soluciones son superiores a otras. Por tanto, cuando alguien actúa con motivaciones aparentemente externas al proyecto (p.ej. solidificar la propia posición de influencia en el proyecto, disminuir la influencia de otros, chalaneos descarados, o evitar herir los sentimientos de alguien) otros participantes del proyecto pueden molestarse. Por supuesto, esto raramente evita que ellos se comporten de la misma manera cuando sus propios intereses se ven amenazados. Si consideras que la "política" es una palabra sucia, y tienes esperanzas de mantener tu proyecto libre de ella, mejor que abandones ahora mismo. La política es algo que surge inevitablemente cada vez que un grupo de personas han de cooperar en la gestión de recursos compartidos. Es de lógica que, cada vez que una persona toma una decisión, ésta se vea influenciada por cómo va a afectar a su futuro personal en el proyecto. Después de todo, si tienes confianza en tu juicio y habilidades, como sucede con la mayoría de programadores, entonces una posible pérdida de influencia sobre el proyecto podría ser considerada, en cierta manera, como un aspecto técnico a tener en cuenta. Razonamientos similares se pueden aplicar a comportamientos que, en apariencia, sean "pura" política. De hecho, no existe tal cosa como la "pura política"; para empezar, porque como todas las acciones tienen múltiples consecuencias en la vida real la gente adquiere conciencia política. La política, al final, simplemente reconoce que todas las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones han de tenerse en cuenta. Si decisiones concretas llevan el proyecto por un camino que la mayoría considera técnicamente correcto, pero dicha decisión conlleva un cambio en el equilibrio de influencias del proyecto aislando a figuras clave del mismo, entonces hemos de dar igual grado de importancia a ambas consecuencias. No hacerlo así, no sólo no sería juicioso, sino que sería una actitud corta de miras. Por tanto, mientras leas los consejos que siguen a continuación, y mientras trabajas en tu propio proyecto, recuerda que no hay nadie que esté por encima de la política. Dar la impresión que se está por encima de ella es simplemente otra estrategia política más y, por cierto, en ocasiones una muy útil, pero nunca refleja la realidad. La política es sencillamente lo que sucede cuando la gente no está de acuerdo en algo, y los proyectos que acaban con éxito son aquellos capaces de desarrollar un mecanismo político para gestionar los desacuerdos de forma constructiva. Conseguir el Máximo de los Voluntarios Por qué los voluntarios trabajan en proyectos de software libre? Esta cuestión fue estudiada en detalle, arrojando interesantes resultados, en un ensayo de Karim Lakhani y Robert G. Wolf, tituladoPor qué los Hackers Hacen lo que Hacen: Comprensión de la Motivación y el Esfuerzo en Proyectos de Código Libre/Abierto. Ved . Cuando se les pregunta, muchos dicen que lo hace por que quieren producir buen software, o por que quieren involucrarse en arreglar errores que son importantes para ellos. Pero estas razones no acostumbran a ser toda la verdad. Después de todo ¿podrías imaginarte a un voluntario permaneciendo en un proyecto a pesar de que nadie, nunca, le dirigiera un palabra de aprecio por su trabajo, o se le escuchara en las discusiones? Claro que no. Claramente, la gente gasta su tiempo en el software libre por razones que van más allá del deseo abstracto de producir buen código. Comprender las verdaderas motivaciones de los voluntarios te ayudará a organizar las cosas de manera que puedas atraerlos y que no se vayan. El deseo de producir buen código puede estar entre esas motivaciones, junto con el desafío y valor educativo que supone trabajar en problemas difíciles, pero los seres humanos tienen el deseo natural de trabajar con otros humanos, y el de dar y recibir respeto a través de actividades colectivas. Grupos cooperando en tareas colectivas deben desarrollar normas de comportamiento tales que el prestigio sea adquirido ,y mantenido, a través de acciones que ayuden a la consecución de las metas del grupo. Esas normas no aparecen por sí solas. Por ejemplo, en algunos proyectos (desarrolladores con experiencia en código abierto podrían mencionar varias de memoria) la gente piensa que se gana prestigio por enviar largos mensajes frecuentemente. No llegan a esta conclusión por casualidad, llegan a ella porque son recompensados con respeto por crear largos e intrincados argumentos, independientemente de que estos ayuden al proyecto. A continuación se explican algunas técnicas para crear una atmósfera en la que se pueda adquirir prestigio a través de acciones constructivas. Delegar Delegar no simplemente una forma de distribuir la carga de trabajo, sino que también es una herramienta política y social. Piensa en todas las consecuencias que tiene pedir a alguien que haga algo. El efecto más evidente es que, si acepta, esa persona hace el trabajo y tú no. Pero otro efecto es que esa persona toma consciencia de que tú confías en él para realizar la tarea. Además, si haces la petición en un foro público, también aprecia que el resto de participantes son conscientes de la confianza que ha sido depositada en él. También es posible que se sienta presionado a aceptar, por tanto has de preguntar de manera que le sea fácil declinar la oferta si realmente no quiere aceptarla. Si la tarea requiere coordinarse con otros participantes del proyecto, entonces le estás pidiendo un mayor grado de compromiso con el proyecto, crear lazos que no se hubieran creado de otra forma y, quizá, convertirse en una fuente de autoridad y algunos subdominios del proyecto. La responsabilidad adquirida puede ser agobiante, o puede llevarle a involucrarse en más áreas del proyecto gracias a un renovado sentimiento de compromiso. Debido a todos estos posibles efectos, a menudo tiene sentido pedir a otro que haga algo incluso cuando sabes que tú lo podrías hacer mejor o más rápido. Por supuesto, siempre hay momentos en que delegarás únicamente por motivos de eficiencia; quizá el coste de oportunidad de hacer una tarea tú mismo es demasiado alto debido a que podrías dedicarte a hacer algo más importante para el proyecto. Pero incluso cuando el argumento del coste de oportunidad no existe, aún así es posible que pidas a otro hacer una tarea simplemente porque quieres involucrar más a una determinada persona en el proyecto, incluso si eso significa que has de supervisar su trabajo al principio. Esta técnica también funciona al revés; si ocasionalmente te presentas voluntario para hacer un trabajo que alguien no quiere, o no tiene tiempo de hacer, te ganarás su confianza y su respeto. Delegar y sustituir no tiene que ver simplemente con finalizar tareas; tiene mucho que ver también con aumentar el grado de compromiso de la gente con el proyecto. Distingue claramente entre pedir y asignar En ocasiones es lógico esperar que una persona aceptará de buen grado una tarea en particular. Por ejemplo, si alguien introduce un error en el código, o envía código que incumple de forma clara con las directrices del proyecto, debería ser suficiente con mencionar el problema y esperar que el responsable de dicho código se haga cargo. Pero hay otras situaciones donde no está nada claro que puedas esperar que alguien haga cargo. La persona podría hacer lo que le pides, o quizá no. Como a nadie le gusta que se dé por hecho que va a obedecer, has de ser consciente en todo momento de cual de estas dos situaciones estás tratando y, en función de la misma, medir tus palabras a la hora de solicitar una tarea. Algo que casi siempre sienta mal es que te pidan hacer algo como si fuera tu responsabilidad cuanto tu piensas que no es así. Por ejemplo, asignar nuevos problemas en el código es terreno abonado para este tipo de situaciones. Los participantes de un proyecto normalmente saben quien es experto en cada área, así que cuando un error en el código aparece, habrá normalmente una o dos personas en las que todo el mundo piensa que podrían arreglar el problema rápidamente. No obstante, si asignas la tarea a una de estas personas sin pedirles permiso, dicha persona podría sentirse incómoda y forzada a encargarse de la tarea, podría sentir que se espera mucho de ella y que, de alguna forma, está siendo castigada por sus conocimientos y experiencia. Después de todo, la forma en la que uno adquiere dichas habilidades es corrigiendo código, así que ¡quizá debería ser otro el que lo corrija esta vez! (Cabe mencionar que los gestores automáticos de errores que asignan tareas en función del tipo de error, reducen este tipo de conflictos porque todo el mundo sabe que las tareas se asignan de forma automática y que nadie espera nada de la persona a la que se ha asignado la tarea.) Aunque lo deseable sería distribuir la carga de trabajo tan equitativamente como fuera posible, hay ocasiones en las que simplemente quieres que puede arreglar el problema más rápidamente haga el trabajo. Dado que no puedes permitirte establecer un diálogo para todas y cada una de las tareas que se han de asignar ("¿Te importaría echarle un vistazo a este error?" "Sí." "Vale, entonces te asigno la tarea a ti." "Vale."), deberías siempre asignar tareas en forma de petición, sin ejercer presión alguna. Casi todos los gestores de errores permiten asociar comentarios a la tarea asignada. En dicho comentario podrías decir algo así:
Tarea asignada a ti, jaleatorio, porque tu eres la persona más familiarizada con este código. No te preocupes si no puedes hacerte cargo de la tarea por el motivo que sea. (En cualquier caso hazme saber si preferirías no recibir más tareas en el futuro.)
Así se distingue claramente la petición de la tarea de la aceptación de la misma. El mensaje no sólo va dirigido a la persona a la que se pide la tarea; informa a todo el grupo del área de experiencia de dicho miembro y, además, deja claro a todos que dicha persona es libre de aceptar o rechazar la tarea.
Supervisar después de delegar Cuando le pidas a alguien que haga algo, recuerda que los has hecho y supervisa con él la tarea pase lo que pase. La mayoría de peticiones se hace en foros públicos más o menos de la siguiente manera "¿Podrías encargarte de X? Dinos algo en cualquier caso. En caso de que no puedas no pasa nada, pero háznoslo saber." Pueden responder, o no, a tu petición, pero si te responden, y la respuesta es negativa, el proceso se cierra y tendrás que buscar alternativas para llevar a cabo la tarea X. Si la respuesta es positiva entonces vigila como progresa el trabajo y haz comentarios sobre el mismo (todo el mundo trabaja mejor cuando sabe que hay alguien que aprecia su trabajo). Si no hay respuesta después de unos días, pregunta de nuevo, o comenta en el foro que nadie a respondido y que buscas a alguien que ses encargue de la tarea, o simplemente hazlo tú pero, en cualquier caso, asegúrate de comentar que no recibiste respuesta alguna a tu petición" El motivo de hacer pública la falta de respuesta no es para humillar a la persona a la que se le hizo la petición, y cuando menciones el tema lo has de hacer de forma que esto quede claro. El propósito es de dejar claro que sigues la pista de todo lo que pides, y que reaccionas ante las respuestas que recibes, o no, a tus peticiones. Esta actitud hace que sea más probable que la gente acepta la tarea la próxima vez, y esto es así porque se darán cuenta (aunque sea inconscientemente) que es probable que aprecies cualquier trabajo que hagan debido a que prestas atención a detalles tan pequeños como el que alguien no responda a una petición. Fíjate en lo que se interesa la gente Otra cosa que pone a la gente contenta es que te fijes en sus intereses; en general, cuantos más aspectos recuerdas de la personalidad de alguien, más a gusto se encontrará dicha persona, y se interesará más por trabajar en grupos de los que tú seas parte. Por ejemplo, había una clara diferencia en el proyecto Subversion entre la gente que quería llegar pronto a una versión final 1.0 (cosa que finalmente hicimos), y la gente que principalmente quería añadir nuevas funcionalidades y trabajar en problemas interesantes sin importarles mucho cuando estaría lista la versión 1.0. Ninguna de estas dos posturas es mejor o peor que la otra; simplemente reflejan dos tipos distintos de desarrolladores, y ambos realizan mucho trabajo en el proyecto. Pero aprendimos rápidamente que era vital no asumir que el interés por tener una versión 1.0 era compartido por todos. Las comunicaciones electrónicas pueden ser muy engañosos; puedes pensar que hay un ambiente de propósito común cuando, en realidad, dicho propósito sólo es compartido por la gente con la que tú has estado hablando, mientras otras personas tienen prioridades completamente distintas Cuanto más consciente seas de lo que la gente quiere sacar del proyecto, más eficientemente podrás pedirles cosas. Simplemente demostrando comprensión por lo que quieren, sin demandar nada por ello, tiene una utilidad per se, puesto que confirma a cada uno que no es una simple partícula de una masa informe.
Halagos y Críticas Halago y crítica no son antónimos, de hecho, en muchos aspectos son muy similares. Ambas son muestras de atención, y son más efectivas cuando son específicas que cuando son genéricas. Ambas deben hacerse con metas específicas en mente. Ambas pueden diluirse por el abuso; halaga mucho o demasiado y tus halagos perderán valor, y lo mismo sirve para las críticas aunque, en la práctica, las críticas provocan reacciones que las hacen mucho más resistentes a la devaluación. Un importante aspecto de la cultura tecnológica es que la detallada y desapasionada crítica a menudo se toma como una especia de alago (como se vio en en ), esto se debe a la implicación de que el trabajo en cuestión vale la pena ser analizado. En cualquier caso, ambos aspectos; detallada y desapasionada han de cumplirse para que esto se cumpla. Por ejemplo, si alguien hace algún cambio chapucero en el código, es inútil (y de hecho perjudicial) comentar el asunto simplemente diciendo "Eso es una chapuza". El ser un chapuzas es, al final, una característica de la persona, no de su trabajo, y es importante mantener tu atención enfocada en el trabajo hecho. Es mucho más eficiente describir todas las cosas equivocadas que se han introducido al realizar el cambio, y hay que hacerlo con tacto y sin malicia. Si fuera el tercer o cuarto cambio descuidado de la misma persona, entonces lo más apropiado mencionar el hecho, después de la crítica sobre el trabajo realizado, y de nuevo sin ningún signo de enfado, para así dejar claro que dicho patrón de comportamiento es evidente. Si alguien no mejora después de las críticas, la solución no es criticar más, o hacerlo más duramente. La solución consiste en que el grupo retire a dicha persona del trabajo en el que es incompetente de forma que se hiera lo menos posible los sentimientos de la misma, leed al final del capítulo unos ejemplos. En cualquier caso, este no es un hecho frecuente. La mayoría de gente responde muy bien a las críticas que son específicas, detalladas, y que contienen una clara (aunque sea entre líneas) indicación de que se espera una mejora. Las alabanzas no herirá la sensibilidad de nadie, por supuesto, pero eso no significa que se deba usar con menos cuidado que las críticas. Las alabanzas son una herramienta; antes de usarla pregúntate por qué quieres usarla. Como regla, no es una buena idea alabar a alguien por hacer lo que normalmente hace, o por acciones que son habituales y esperadas de alguien que trabaja en grupo. Si hicieras eso, no será fácil saber cuando parar; ¿deberías alabar a todo el mundo por hacer lo habitual? Al fin y al cabo, si te dejas a alguien se preguntarán por qué. Es mucho mejor expresar alabanzas y gratitud ocasionalmente en respuesta a un esfuerzo inusual, o inesperado, con la intención de fomentar dichos esfuerzos. Cuando un participante parece haberse trasladado permanentemente a un estado de alta productividad, debes ajustar tu nivel de alabanzas consecuentemente. Repetidas alabanzas se acaban convirtiendo en algo sin significado alguno. En su lugar, dicha persona deber sentir que su alto nivel de productividad se considera normal y natural, y sólo trabajo que sobrepasa ese nivel debe ser significado. Por supuesto, esto no quiere decir que las contribuciones de dicha persona no deban ser reconocidas. Pero recuerda que si el proyecto se organiza correctamente, todo lo que hace una persona es visible de todas formas, y por tanto el grupo verá (y la persona implicada sabrá que el resto de miembros lo ven también) todo lo que ella hace. También hay otras maneras de reconocer el trabajo de alguien además de las alabanzas. Podrías mencionar de pasada, al debatir sobre un tema, que dicha persona ha trabajado mucho en ese área y que es experta en la misma. Podrías realizar consultas públicas a dicha persona sobre el código o, quizá mejor, podrías utilizar su trabajo de forma ostensible para que la persona pueda apreciar que la gente tiene confianza en los resultados de su trabajo. Probablemente no es necesario hacer todas estas cosas de forma calculada. Las personas que contribuyen notablemente lo saben y ocuparán una posición de influencia de forma natural. Normalmente no hay que tomar medidas explícitas para asegurar esto, a menos que sientas que, por cualquier motivo, un miembro del grupo es poco valorado. Prevén la Territorialidad Ten cuidado con los participantes que intentan apropiarse la exclusividad en ciertas áreas del proyecto, y con aquellos que parecen querer hacer todo el trabajo en esas áreas hasta el punto de apropiarse del trabajo que otros han comenzado. Dicho comportamiento puede parecer saludable al principio, después de todo, a primera vista parece como si el individuo en cuestión simplemente está tomando más responsabilidad, y mostrando una mayor actividad en dichas áreas. A la larga, no obstante, dicho comportamiento es destructivo. Cuando la gente ve señales de "no pasar" se apartan del proyecto. Esto conlleva una visión más estrecha de esa área, y una mayor fragilidad de la misma puesto se depende de la disponibilidad e un único desarrollador. Todavía peor, rompe el espíritu de cooperación igualitaria del proyecto. En teoría, la ayuda de cualquier desarrollador debe ser bienvenida en cualquier momento, y sobre cualquier área. Por supuesto, en la práctica las cosas funciona de manera algo diferente; la gente tiene áreas donde es más o menos influyente, y los inexpertos habitualmente dejan que los expertos tomen las riendas en ciertos dominios del proyecto. Pero la clave es que todo esto es algo voluntario; la autoridad se gana mediante la competencia y conocimiento probado, y nunca debe ser conquistada activamente. Incluso si la persona deseando la autoridad es realmente competente, aún así es crucial que maneje esa autoridad de manera informal, a través del consenso del grupo, y sin apartar a nadie de colaborar en su área de influencia. Por supuesto, rechazar o editar el trabajo de otro por motivos técnicos es un asusto totalmente distinto. En este caso, el factor decisivo es el contenido del trabajo, no quien actúa como portero. Podría suceder que la misma persona realice la mayor parte de revisiones para un área particular, pero mientras no evite que otros hagan su trabajo, las cosas deberían ir bien. Para combatir cualquier territorialismo incipiente, o incluso la mera apariencia del mismo, muchos proyectos han tomado medidas como la de prohibir la inclusión del nombre del autor, o de los encargados elegidos, en el código fuente. Yo estoy de acuerdo de todo corazón con esta práctica; la utilizamos en el proyecto Subversion y es, más o menos, la política oficial en la Apache Software Foundation. El miembro del ASF Sander Striker lo explica de esta forma:
en la Apache Software Foundation desaconsejamos el uso de entradas con el nombre del autor en el código fuente. Hay varias razones para esto además de motivos legales. En el desarrollo en equipo se trata de trabajar en grupo y tratar al proyecto en grupo. Dar crédito es bueno, y debe hacerse, pero de alguna manera esta forma de actuar evita falsas atribuciones, incluso cuando sólo son implícitas. No hay una directriz clara de cuando se ha de añadir o quitar entradas con el nombre del autor; ¿Añades tu nombre si cambias un comentario? ¿Cuando arreglas una sola línea de código? ¿Has de borrar el nombre de alguien cuando reestructuras el código y es diferente al anterior en un 95%? ¿Qué haces con la gente que va tocando cada archivo, cambiando lo mínimo para que su nombre aparezca en todas partes? Hay mejores formas de dar crédito, y nosotros preferimos usar esas. Desde un punto de vista técnico las entradas con el nombre del autor son innecesarias; si quieres saber quién escribió una determinada línea de código se puede consultar el sistema de control de versiones para averiguarlo. Además, las entradas de autor acostumbran a estar caducadas; ¿Realmente quieres que se pongan en contacto contigo por unas líneas de código que programaste hace cinco años y estás contento de haberlas olvidado?
El corazón de la identidad de un proyecto lo forman los archivos con el código fuente. Estos deben reflejar que la comunidad, como un todo, es responsable de los mismos, y no deben dividirse en pequeños feudos. La gente a veces defiende las entradas de autor en el código fuente argumentando que dan crédito de forma visible a aquellos que han realizado más trabajo. Hay dos problemas con este argumento. Primero, las entradas de autor traen consigo la incómoda pregunta de cuánto trabajo se ha de realizar para que tu nombre también aparezca en el archivo. Segundo, las entradas fusiona la autoridad en un área con el crédito en la misma; haber hecho la mayor parte del trabajo en un área no implica que se posea dicha área, pero es difícil, sino imposible, evitar dicha implicación cuando hay nombres de personas al comienzo de un archivo de código fuente. En cualquier caso, se puede saber el autor del código a través del sistema de control de versiones u otros métodos alternativos como los archivos de las listas de correos, de esta forma no se pierde ninguna información al no permitir las entradas de autor en el código fuente. Si en tu proyecto se decide no permitir incluir entradas de autores en el código fuente, asegúrate de no pasarte de la raya. Por ejemplo, muchos proyectos tienen un área contrib/ donde se almacenan pequeñas herramientas y scripts de ayuda, a menudo escritos por gente que no están asociados con el proyecto de ninguna otra manera. Para ese tipo de archivos está bien que se introduzca los nombres de los autores porque ellos no están desarrollando el proyecto en sí. Por otro lado, si una de estas herramientas comienza a ser alterada por otros miembros del proyecto, puede que al final quieras trasladar dicha herramienta a un lugar menos aislado y, suponiendo que el autor original aceptara, borrar los nombres de los autores para que el archivo siga la política del resto de archivos del proyecto. Si el autor original no se siente a gusto con esta iniciativa se pueden alcanzar acuerdos, por ejemplo:
# Borrar datos viejos del índice Scanley. # # Autor Original: K. Maru <> # Gestionado Ahora Por: The Scanley Project <> # and K. Maru. # # ...
Pero, dentro de lo posible, es mejor evitar dichos compromisos, además, la mayoría de autores están dispuestos a ser persuadidos puesto que se sienten felices de que su contribución pase a ser parte integral del proyecto. Lo importante es recordar que hay una continuidad entre el centro y la periferia de cualquier proyecto. Los archivos del código fuente del software son claramente centrales en el proyecto, y deben ser gestionados por la comunidad en su conjunto. Por otro lado, herramientas accesorias, o documentación, pueden ser el resultado del trabajo de un solo individuo, y lo puede gestionar él solo aunque su trabajo esté asociado, en incluso distribuido, con el proyecto. En cualquier caso, no hay necesidad de aplicar la misma regla a todos los archivos siempre y cuando los recursos comunitarios sean gestionados por todos, y no puedan convertirse en conto privado de nadie.
El Ratio de Automatización Intenta evitar que los humanos hagan lo que pueden hacer las máquinas en su lugar. Como regla general, automatizar una tarea común supone un esfuerzo diez veces menor al esfuerzo que le supondría al desarrollador realizar la tarea a mano. Para tareas muy frecuentes, o muy complejas, el ratio puede ser veinte veces superior e incluso mayor. Verte a ti mismo como a un "Director de Proyecto", en lugar de como a un desarrollador, puede llegar a ser una actitud positiva. A veces, algunos desarrolladores están demasiado enfrascados en su trabajo a bajo nivel, esto no les permite tener una visión general del proyecto y darse cuenta de que todo el mundo está desperdiciando mucho esfuerzo en realizar tareas manualmente que podrían muy bien automatizarse. Incluso aquellos que sí se dan cuenta, pueden no tomarse el tiempo para resolver el problema, al fin el al cabo, el rendimiento de cada individuo para realizar dicha tarea no es una carga demasiada onerosa, nadie se siente lo suficientemente molesto como para hacer algo al respecto. La automatización se hace atractiva cuando se tiene en cuenta que, esa pequeña carga, se multiplica por el número de veces que cada desarrollador ha de realizarla, y entonces ese número se múltiplica por el número de desarrolladores. Aquí estoy utilizando la palabra "automatización" con un sentido muy amplio queriendo dar a entender, no sólo acciones repetitivas donde una o dos variables cambian cada vez, sino también cualquier tipo de infraestructura técnica que ayude a los humanos. La mínima automatización estándar necesaria para llevar a cabo un proyecto en nuestros días fue descrita en , pero cada proyecto puede tener sus propios problemas especiales. Por ejemplo, un grupo trabajando en la documentación quizá quiera una página web que muestre las versiones más actualizadas del documento en todo momento. Como la documentación se redacta normalmente en lenguajes del estilo de XML, puede haber un paso de compilación, a menudo bastante intrincado, relacionado con la creación de documentos para que puedan ser mostrados o bajados de la red. Crear un página web donde esa compilación tenga lugar automáticamente en cada envío puede ser bastante complejo y llevar mucho tiempo—pero vale la pena, incluso si te lleva uno o más días configurarla. Los beneficios globales de tener páginas actualizadas disponibles en todo momento son enormes, incluso si el coste de no tenerlas pueda parecer una simple molestia en un momento dado, para un desarrollador cualquiera. Seguir estos pasos no sólo elimina las pérdidas de tiempo, sino también las obsesiones y frustraciones que aparecen cuando los humanos cometen errores (inevitablemente lo harán) al intentar realizar procedimientos complicados manualmente. Las tareas con múltiples pasos y operaciones deterministas son el tipo de cosas para las que se inventaron las computadoras, y así dejamos que los humanos hagan cosas más interesantes. Comprobaciones Automáticas Ejecutar pruebas automáticas es muy útil para cualquier proyecto de software, pero especialmente para proyectos de código abierto porque las pruebas automáticas (especialmente las pruebas de regresión) permiten que los desarrolladores se encuentren a gusto a la hora de cambiara código en áreas en las que no están familiarizados y, así, se favorece el desarrollo de exploración. Como es muy difícil detectar fallos a simple vista—básicamente has de adivinar dónde alguien puede haberse equivocado y realizar varios experimentos para asegurarte de que no lo hizo—tener métodos automáticos para detectar dichos errores ahorra muchísimo tiempo. También hace que la gente se relaje a la hora de refactorizar grandes franjas de código y, por lo tanto, contribuye a que el software pueda ser gestionado a largo plazo. Pruebas de Regresión Por Pruebas de Regresión se entienden las comprobaciones que se realizan para detectar errores que ya se han reparado. El objetivo de las pruebas de regresión es reducir las probabilidades de que los cambios en el código rompan el software de forma inesperada. Cuando un proyecto de software crece y se complica, las probabilidades de encontrarse dichos efectos secundarios crecen al mismo paso. Un buen diseño puede reducir el crecimiento del ratio de dicha probabilidad, pero no puede eliminar el problema completamente. Como resultado de esta situación, muchos proyectos tienen una colección de pruebas, un programa aparte que ejecuta el software del proyecto en formas y maneras que se sabe producian errores específicos con anterioridad. Cuando la colección de pruebas consigue reproducir uno de estos errores, esto es conocido como regresión, dando a entender que las modificaciones de alguien han vuelto a recrear inesperadamente un error corregido con anterioridad. Ved también . Las pruebas de regresión no son un panacea. Por un lado funciona bien para programas que tienen un estilo de interfaz de lineas de comando. El software que se utiliza principalmente através de una interfaz gráfica es mucho más difícil de utilizar mediante otro programa. Otro problema radica en que la estructura misma de la colección de pruebas puede ser muy compleja, con una curva de aprendizaje y cargas de mantenimiento propias. Reducir esta complejidad es una de las cosas más útilies que puedes hacer, incluso si ello implica una cantidad de tiempo considerable. Cuanto más fácil sea añadir nuevas pruebas a la colección, más desarrolladores lo harán, y menos errores sobrevivirán a la versión final. Cualquier esfuerzo empleado en que la creación de pruebas sea sencilla redundará con intereses en el desarrollo del proyecto. Muchos proyectos siguen la regla "¡No rompas el código!" , queriendo decir: no envíes cambios que hagan que sea imposible compilar o ejecutar el software. Ser la persona que rompe el código es normalmente causa de cierta vergüenza y burla. Proyectos con colecciones de pruebas de regresión tienen amenudo una nueva regla a modo de corolario: no envíes ningún cambio que hagan fallar las pruebas. Dichos fallos son más fáciles de identificar si se realizan ejecuciones automáticas cada noche de toda la colección de pruebas, con los resultados enviados por email a los desrrolladores o a listas de correo dedicadas al efecto; este es otro ejemplo de automatización que vale la pena. La mayoría de los desarrolladores voluntarios están dispuestos a tomar el tiempo adicional para escribir pruebas de regresión, cuando el sistema de pruebas es comprensible y fácil de trabajar. Acompañar modificaciones con pruebas es entendido como una responsabilidad de hacerlo, y es también una oportunidad fácil para la colaboración: a menudo los desarrolladores dividen el trabajo para corregir un fallo, uno de ellos corrige, y el otro escribe el ejemplo de prueba. El segundo desarrollador puede terminar con más trabajo, y aunque escribir un ejemplo de prueba es menos satisfactorio que corregir realmente el fallo, es imprescindible que el conjunto de pruebas no haga la experiencia más dolorosa de lo que debe ser. Some projects go even further, requiring that a new test accompany every bugfix or new feature. Whether this is a good idea or not depends on many factors: the nature of the software, the makeup of the development team, and the difficulty of writing new tests. The CVS () project has long had such a rule. It is a good policy in theory, since CVS is version control software and therefore very risk-averse about the possibility of munging or mishandling the user's data. The problem in practice is that CVS's regression test suite is a single huge shell script (amusingly named, hard to read and hard to modify or extend. The difficulty of adding new tests, combined with the requirement that patches be accompanied by new tests, means that CVS effectively discourages patches. When I used to work on CVS, I sometimes saw people start on and even complete a patch to CVS's own code, but give up when told of the requirement to add a new test to It is normal to spend more time writing a new regression test than on fixing the original bug. But CVS carried this phenomenon to an extreme: one might spend hours trying to design one's test properly, and still get it wrong, because there are just too many unpredictable complexities involved in changing a 35,000-line Bourne shell script. Even longtime CVS developers often grumbled when they had to add a new test. This situation was due to a failure on all our parts to consider the automation ratio. It is true that switching to a real test framework—whether custom-built or off-the-shelf—would have been a major effort.Note that there would be no need to convert all the existing tests to the new framework; the two could happily exist side by side, with old tests converted over only as they needed to be changed. But neglecting to do so has cost the project much more, over the years. How many bugfixes and new features are not in CVS today, because of the impediment of an awkward test suite? We cannot know the exact number, but it is surely many times greater than the number of bugfixes or new features the developers might forgo in order to develop a new test system (or integrate an off-the-shelf system). That task would only take a finite amount of time, while the penalty of using the current test suite will continue forever if nothing is done. The point is not that having strict requirements to write tests is bad, nor that writing your test system as a Bourne shell script is necessarily bad. It might work fine, depending on how you design it and what it needs to test. The point is simply that when the test system becomes a significant impediment to development, something must be done. The same is true for any routine process that turns into a barrier or a bottleneck. Treat Every User as a Potential Volunteer Each interaction with a user is an opportunity to get a new volunteer. When a user takes the time to post to one of the project's mailing lists, or to file a bug report, he has already tagged himself as having more potential for involvement than most users (from whom the project will never hear at all). Follow up on that potential: if he described a bug, thank him for the report and ask him if he wants to try fixing it. If he wrote to say that an important question was missing from the FAQ, or that the program's documentation was deficient in some way, then freely acknowledge the problem (assuming it really exists) and ask if he's interested in writing the missing material himself. Naturally, much of the time the user will demur. But it doesn't cost much to ask, and every time you do, it reminds the other listeners in that forum that getting involved in the project is something anyone can do. Don't limit your goals to acquiring new developers and documentation writers. For example, even training people to write good bug reports pays off in the long run, if you don't spend too much time per person, and if they go on to submit more bug reports in the future—which they are more likely to do if they got a constructive reaction to their first report. A constructive reaction need not be a fix for the bug, although that's always the ideal; it can also be a solicitation for more information, or even just a confirmation that the behavior is a bug. People want to be listened to. Secondarily, they want their bugs fixed. You may not always be able to give them the latter in a timely fashion, but you (or rather, the project as a whole) can give them the former. A corollary of this is that developers should not express anger at people who file well-intended but vague bug reports. This is one of my personal pet peeves; I see developers do it all the time on various open source mailing lists, and the harm it does is palpable. Some hapless newbie will post a useless report:
Hi, I can't get Scanley to run. Every time I start it up, it just errors. Is anyone else seeing this problem?
Some developer—who has seen this kind of report a thousand times, and hasn't stopped to think that the newbie has not—will respond like this:
What are we supposed to do with so little information? Sheesh. Give us at least some details, like the version of Scanley, your operating system, and the error.
This developer has failed to see things from the user's point of view, and also failed to consider the effect such a reaction might have on all the other people watching the exchange. Naturally a user who has no programming experience, and no prior experience reporting bugs, will not know how to write a bug report. What is the right way to handle such a person? Educate them! And do it in such a way that they come back for more:
Sorry you're having trouble. We'll need more information in order to figure out what's happening here. Please tell us the version of Scanley, your operating system, and the exact text of the error. The very best thing you can do is send a transcript showing the exact commands you ran, and the output they produced. See for more.
This way of responding is far more effective at extracting the needed information from the user, because it is written to the user's point of view. First, it expresses sympathy: You had a problem; we feel your pain. (This is not necessary in every bug report response; it depends on the severity of the problem and how upset the user seemed.) Second, instead of belittling her for not knowing how to report a bug, it tells her how, and in enough detail to be actually useful—for example, many users don't realize that "show us the error" means "show us the exact text of the error, with no omissions or abridgements." The first time you work with such a user, you need to be specific about that. Finally, it offers a pointer to much more detailed and complete instructions for reporting bugs. If you have successfully engaged with the user, she will often take the time to read that document and do what it says. This means, of course, that you have to have the document prepared in advance. It should give clear instructions about what kind of information your development team wants to see in every bug report. Ideally, it should also evolve over time in response to the particular sorts of omissions and misreports users tend to make for your project. The Subversion project's bug reporting instructions are a fairly standard example of the form (see ). Notice how they close with an invitation to provide a patch to fix the bug. This is not because such an invitation will lead to a greater patch/report ratio—most users who are capable of fixing bugs already know that a patch would be welcome, and don't need to be told. The invitation's real purpose is to emphasize to all readers, especially those new to the project or new to free software in general, that the project runs on volunteer contributions. In a sense, the project's current developers are no more responsible for fixing the bug than is the person who reported it. This is an important point that many new users will not be familiar with. Once they realize it, they're more likely to help make the fix happen, if not by contributing code then by providing a more thorough reproduction recipe, or by offering to test fixes that other people post. The goal is to make every user realize that there is no innate difference between herself and the people who work on the project—that it's a question of how much time and effort one puts in, not a question of who one is. The admonition against responding angrily does not apply to rude users. Occasionally people post bug reports or complaints that, regardless of their informational content, show a sneering contempt at the project for some failing. Often such people are alternately insulting and flattering, such as the person who posted this to a Subversion mailing list:
Why is it that after almost 6 days there still aren't any binaries posted for the windows platform?!? It's the same story every time and it's pretty frustrating. Why aren't these things automated so that they could be available immediately?? When you post an "RC" build, I think the idea is that you want users to test the build, but yet you don't provide any way of doing so. Why even have a soak period if you provide no means of testing??
Initial response to this rather inflammatory post was surprisingly restrained: people pointed out that the project had a published policy of not providing official binaries, and said, with varying degrees of annoyance, that he ought to volunteer to produce them himself if they were so important to him. Believe it or not, his next post started with these lines:
First of all, let me say that I think Subversion is awesome and I really appreciate the efforts of everyone involved. [...]
...and then he went on to berate the project again for not providing binaries, while still not volunteering to do anything about it. After that, about 50 people just jumped all over him, and I can't say I really minded. The "zero-tolerance" policy toward rudeness advocated in in applies to people with whom the project has (or would like to have) a sustained interaction. But when someone makes it clear from the start that he is going to be a fountain of bile, there is no point making him feel welcome. Such situations are fortunately quite rare, and they are noticeably rarer in projects that make an effort to engage users constructively and courteously from their very first interaction.
Share Management Tasks as Well as Technical Tasks Share the management burden as well as the technical burden of running the project. As a project becomes more complex, more and more of the work is about managing people and information flow. There is no reason not to share that burden, and sharing it does not necessarily require a top-down hierarchy either—what happens in practice tends to be more of a peer-to-peer network topology than a military-style command structure. Sometimes management roles are formalized, and sometimes they happen spontaneously. In the Subversion project, we have a patch manager, a translation manager, documentation managers, issue managers (albeit unofficial), and a release manager. Some of these roles we made a conscious decision to initiate, others just happened by themselves; as the project grows, I expect more roles to be added. Below we'll examine these roles, and a couple of others, in detail (except for release manager, which was already covered in and earlier in this chapter). As you read the role descriptions, notice that none of them requires exclusive control over the domain in question. The issue manager does not prevent other people from making changes in the issues database, the FAQ manager does not insist on being the only person to edit the FAQ, and so on. These roles are all about responsibility without monopoly. An important part of each domain manager's job is to notice when other people are working in that domain, and train them to do the things the way the manager does, so that the multiple efforts reinforce rather than conflict. Domain managers should also document the processes by which they do their work, so that when one leaves, someone else can pick up the slack right away. Sometimes there is a conflict: two or more people want the same role. There is no one right way to handle this. You could suggest that each volunteer post a proposal (an "application") and have all the committers vote on which is best. But this is cumbersome and potentially awkward. I find that a better technique is just to ask the multiple candidates to settle it among themselves. They usually will, and will be more satisfied with the result than if a decision had been imposed on them from the outside. Patch Manager In a free software project that receives a lot of patches, keeping track of which patches have arrived and what has been decided about them can be a nightmare, especially if done in a decentralized way. Most patches arrive as posts to the project's development mailing list (though some may appear first in the issue tracker, or on external web sites), and there are a number of different routes a patch can take after arrival. Sometimes someone reviews the patch, finds problems, and bounces it back to the original author for cleanup. This usually leads to an iterative process—all visible on the mailing list—in which the original author posts revised versions of the patch until the reviewer has nothing more to criticize. It is not always easy to tell when this process is done: if the reviewer commits the patch, then clearly the cycle is complete. But if she does not, it might be because she simply didn't have time, or doesn't have commit access herself and couldn't rope any of the other developers into doing it. Another frequent response to a patch is a freewheeling discussion, not necessarily about the patch itself, but about whether the concept behind the patch is good. For example, the patch may fix a bug, but the project prefers to fix that bug in another way, as part of solving a more general class of problems. Often this is not known in advance, and it is the patch that stimulates the discovery. Occasionally, a posted patch is met with utter silence. Usually this is due to no developer having time at that moment to review the patch, so each hopes that someone else will do it. Since there's no particular limit to how long each person waits for someone else to pick up the ball, and meanwhile other priorities are always coming up, it's very easy for a patch to slip through the cracks without any single person intending for that to happen. The project might miss out on a useful patch this way, and there are other harmful side effects as well: it is discouraging to the author, who invested work in the patch, and it makes the project as a whole look a bit out of touch, especially to others considering writing patches. The patch manager's job is to make sure that patches don't "slip through the cracks." This is done by following every patch through to some sort of stable state. The patch manager watches every mailing list thread that results from a patch posting. If it ends in a commit of the patch, he does nothing. If it goes into a review/revise iteration, ending with a final version of the patch but no commit, he files an issue pointing to the final version, and to the mailing list thread around it, so that there is a permanent record for developers to follow up on later. If the patch addresses an existing issue, he annotates that issue with the relevant information, instead of opening a new issue. When a patch gets no reaction at all, the patch manager waits a few days, then follows up asking if anyone is going to review it. This usually gets a reaction: a developer may explain that she doesn't think the patch should be applied, and give the reasons why, or she may review it, in which case one of the previously described paths is taken. If there is still no response, the patch manager may or may not file an issue for the patch, at his discretion, but at least the original submitter got some reaction. Having a patch manager has saved the Subversion development team a lot of time and mental energy. Without a designated person to take responsibility, every developer would constantly have to worry "If I don't have time to respond to this patch right now, can I count on someone else doing it? Should I try to keep an eye on it? But if other people are also keeping an eye on it, for the same reasons, then we'd have needlessly duplicated effort." The patch manager removes the second-guessing from the situation. Each developer can make the decision that is right for her at the moment she first sees the patch. If she wants to follow up with a review, she can do that—the patch manager will adjust his behavior accordingly. If she wants to ignore the patch completely, that's fine too; the patch manager will make sure it isn't forgotten. Because this system works only if people can depend on the patch manager being there without fail, the role should be held formally. In Subversion, we advertised for it on the development and users mailing lists, got several volunteers, and took the first one who replied. When that person had to step down (see later in this chapter), we did the same thing again. We've never tried having multiple people share the role, because of the communications overhead that would be required between them; but perhaps at very high volumes of patch submission, a multiheaded patch manager might make sense. Translation Manager In software projects, "translation" can refer to two very different things. It can mean translating the software's documentation into other languages, or it can mean translating the software itself—that is, having the program display errors and help messages in the user's preferred language. Both are complex tasks, but once the right infrastructure is in place, they are largely separable from other development. Because the tasks are similar in some ways, it may make sense (depending on your project) to have a single translation manager handle both, or it may be better to have two different managers. In the Subversion project, we have one translation manager handle both. He does not actually write the translations himself, of course—he may help out on one or two, but as of this writing, he would need to speak ten languages (twelve counting dialects) in order to work on all of them! Instead, he manages teams of volunteer translators: he helps them coordinate among each other, and he coordinates between the teams and the rest of the project. Part of the reason the translation manager is necessary is that translators are a different demographic from developers. They sometimes have little or no experience working in a version control repository, or indeed with working as part of a distributed volunteer team at all. But in other respects they are often the best kind of volunteer: people with specific domain knowledge who saw a need and chose to get involved. They are usually willing to learn, and enthusiastic to get to work. All they need is someone to tell them how. The translation manager makes sure that the translations happen in a way that does not interfere unnecessarily with regular development. He also serves as a sort of representative of the translators as a unified body, whenever the developers must be informed of technical changes required to support the translation effort. Thus, the position's most important skills are diplomatic, not technical. For example, in Subversion we have a policy that all translations should have at least two people working on them, because otherwise there is no way for the text to be reviewed. When a new volunteer shows up offering to translate Subversion to, say, Malagasy, the translation manager has to either hook him up with someone who posted six months ago expressing interest in doing a Malagasy translation, or else politely ask the volunteer to go find another Malagasy translator to work with as a partner. Once enough people are available, the manager sets them up with the proper kind of commit access, informs them of the project's conventions (such as how to write log messages), and then keeps an eye out to make sure they adhere to those conventions. Conversations between the translation manager and the developers, or between the translation manager and translation teams, are usually held in the project's original language—that is, the language from which all the translations are being made. For most free software projects, this is English, but it doesn't matter what it is as long as the project agrees on it. (English is probably best for projects that want to attract a broad international development community, though.) Conversations within a particular translation team usually happen in their shared language, however, and one of the other tasks of the translation manager is to set up a dedicated mailing list for each team. That way the translators can discuss their work freely, without distracting people on the project's main lists, most of whom would not be able to understand the translation language anyway. Internationalization Versus Localization Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N) both refer to the process of adapting a program to work in linguistic and cultural environments other than the one for which it was originally written. The terms are often treated as interchangeable, but in fact they are not quite the same thing. As writes:
The distinction between them is subtle but important: Internationalization is the adaptation of products for potential use virtually everywhere, while localization is the addition of special features for use in a specific locale.
For example, changing your software to losslessly handle Unicode () text encodings is an internationalization move, since it's not about a particular language, but rather about accepting text from any of a number of languages. On the other hand, making your software print all error messages in Slovenian, when it detects that it is running in a Slovenian environment, is a localization move. Thus, the translation manager's task is principally about localization, not internationalization.
Documentation Manager Keeping software documentation up-to-date is a never-ending task. Every new feature or enhancement that goes into the code has the potential to cause a change in the documentation. Also, once the project's documentation reaches a certain level of completeness, you will find that a lot of the patches people send in are for the documentation, not for the code. This is because there are many more people competent to fix bugs in prose than in code: all users are readers, but only a few are programmers. Documentation patches are usually much easier to review and apply than code patches. There is little or no testing to be done, and the quality of the change can be evaluated quickly just by review. Since the quantity is high, but the review burden fairly low, the ratio of administrative overhead to productive work is greater for documentation patches than for code patches. Furthermore, most of the patches will probably need some sort of adjustment, in order to maintain a consistent authorial voice in the documentation. In many cases, patches will overlap with or affect other patches, and need to be adjusted with respect to each other before being committed. Given the exigencies of handling documentation patches, and the fact that the code base needs to be constantly monitored so the documentation can be kept up-to-date, it makes sense to have one person, or a small team, dedicated to the task. They can keep a record of exactly where and how the documentation lags behind the software, and they can have practiced procedures for handling large quantities of patches in an integrated way. Of course, this does not preclude other people in the project from applying documentation patches on the fly, especially small ones, as time permits. And the same patch manager (see earlier in this chapter) can track both code and documentation patches, filing them wherever the development and documentation teams want them, respectively. (If the total quantity of patches ever exceeds one human's capacity to track, though, switching to separate patch managers for code and documentation is probably a good first step.) The point of a documentation team is to have people who think of themselves as responsible for keeping the documentation organized, up-to-date, and consistent with itself. In practice, this means knowing the documentation intimately, watching the code base, watching the changes others commit to the documentation, watching for incoming documentation patches, and using all these information sources to do whatever is necessary to keep the documentation healthy. Issue Manager The number of issues in a project's bug tracker grows in proportion to the number of people using the software. Therefore, even as you fix bugs and ship an increasingly robust program, you should still expect the number of open issues to grow essentially without bound. The frequency of duplicate issues will also increase, as will the frequency of incomplete or poorly described issues. Issue managers help alleviate these problems by watching what goes into the database, and periodically sweeping through it looking for specific problems. Their most common action is probably to fix up incoming issues, either because the reporter didn't set some of the form fields correctly, or because the issue is a duplicate of one already in the database. Obviously, the more familiar an issue manager is with the project's bug database, the more efficiently she will be able to detect duplicate issues—this is one of the main advantages of having a few people specialize in the bug database, instead of everyone trying to do it ad hoc. When the group tries to do it in a decentralized manner, no single individual acquires a deep expertise in the content of the database. Issue managers can also help map between issues and individual developers. When there are a lot of bug reports coming in, not every developer may read the issue notification mailing list with equal attention. However, if someone who knows the development team is keeping an eye on all incoming issues, then she can discreetly direct certain developers' attention to specific bugs when appropriate. Of course, this has to be done with a sensitivity to everything else going on in development, and to the recipient's desires and temperament. Therefore, it is often best for issue managers to be developers themselves. Depending on how your project uses the issue tracker, issue managers can also shape the database to reflect the project's priorities. For example, in Subversion we schedule issues into specific future releases, so that when someone asks "When will bug X be fixed?" we can say "Two releases from now," even if we can't give an exact date. The releases are represented in the issue tracker as target milestones, a field available in IssueZilla.IssueZilla is the issue tracker we use; it is a descendant of BugZilla. As a rule, every Subversion release has one major new feature and a list of specific bug fixes. We assign the appropriate target milestone to all the issues planned for that release (including the new feature—it gets an issue too), so that people can view the bug database through the lens of release scheduling. These targets rarely remain static, however. As new bugs come in, priorities sometimes get shifted around, and issues must be moved from one milestone to another so that each release remains manageable. This, again, is best done by people who have an overall sense of what's in the database, and how various issues relate to each other. Another thing issue managers do is notice when issues become obsolete. Sometimes a bug is fixed accidentally as part of an unrelated change to the software, or sometimes the project changes its mind about whether a certain behavior is buggy. Finding obsoleted issues is not easy: the only way to do it systematically is by making a sweep over all the issues in the database. Full sweeps become less and less feasible over time, however, as the number of issues grows. After a certain point, the only way to keep the database sane is to use a divide-and-conquer approach: categorize issues immediately on arrival and direct them to the appropriate developer's or team's attention. The recipient then takes charge of the issue for the rest of its lifetime, shepherding it to resolution or oblivion as necessary. When the database is that large, the issue manager becomes more of an overall coordinator, spending less time looking at each issue herself and more time getting it into the right person's hands. FAQ Manager FAQ maintenance is a surprisingly difficult problem. Unlike most other documents in a project, whose content is planned out in advance by the authors, a FAQ is a wholly reactive document (see ). No matter how big it gets, you still never know what the next addition will be. And because it is always added to piecemeal, it is very easy for the document as a whole to become incoherent and disorganized, and even to contain duplicate or semi-duplicate entries. Even when it does not have any obvious problems like that, there are often unnoticed interdependencies between items—links that should be made but aren't—because the related items were added a year apart. The role of a FAQ manager is twofold. First, she maintains the overall quality of the FAQ by staying familiar with at least the topics of all the questions in it, so that when people add new items that are duplicates of, or related to, existing items, the appropriate adjustments can be made. Second, she watches the project mailing lists and other forums for recurring problems or questions, and to write new FAQ entries based on this input. This latter task can be quite complex: one must be able to follow a thread, recognize the core questions raised in it, post a proposed FAQ entry, incorporate comments from others (since it's impossible for the FAQ manager to be an expert in every topic covered by the FAQ), and sense when the process is finished so the item can at last be added. The FAQ manager usually also becomes the default expert in FAQ formatting. There are a lot of little details involved in keeping a FAQ in shape (see in ); when random people edit the FAQ, they will sometimes forget some of these details. That's okay, as long as the FAQ manager is there to clean up after them. Various free software is available to help with the process of FAQ maintenance. It's fine to use it, as long as it doesn't compromise the quality of the FAQ, but beware of over-automation. Some projects try to fully automate the process of FAQ maintenance, allowing everyone to contribute and edit FAQ items in a manner similar to a wiki (see in ). I've seen this happen particularly with Faq-O-Matic (), though it may be that the cases I saw were simply abuses that went beyond what Faq-O-Matic was originally intended for. In any case, while complete decentralization of FAQ maintenance does reduce the workload for the project, it also results in a poorer FAQ. There's no one person with a broad view of the entire FAQ, no one to notice when certain items need updating or become obsolete entirely, and no one keeping watch for interdependencies between items. The result is a FAQ that often fails to provide users what they were looking for, and in the worst cases misleads them. Use whatever tools you need to to maintain your project's FAQ, but never let the convenience of the tools seduce you into compromising the quality of the FAQ. See Sean Michael Kerner's article, The FAQs on FAQs, at , for descriptions and evaluations of open source FAQ maintenance tools.
Transitions From time to time, a volunteer in a position of ongoing responsibility (e.g., patch manager, translation manager, etc.) will become unable to perform the duties of the position. It may be because the job turned out to be more work than he anticipated, or it may be due to completely external factors: marriage, a new baby, a new employer, or whatever. When a volunteer gets swamped like this, he usually doesn't notice it right away. It happens by slow degrees, and there's no point at which he consciously realizes that he can no longer fulfill the duties of the role. Instead, the rest of the project just doesn't hear much from him for a while. Then there will suddenly be a flurry of activity, as he feels guilty for neglecting the project for so long and sets aside a night to catch up. Then you won't hear from him for a while longer, and then there might or might not be another flurry. But there's rarely an unsolicited formal resignation. The volunteer was doing the job in his spare time, so resigning would mean openly acknowledging to himself that his spare time is permanently reduced. People are often reluctant to do that. Therefore, it's up to you and the others in the project to notice what's happening—or rather, not happening—and to ask the volunteer what's going on. The inquiry should be friendly and 100% guilt-free. Your purpose is to find out a piece of information, not to make the person feel bad. Generally, the inquiry should be visible to the rest of the project, but if you know of some special reason why a private inquiry would be better, that's fine too. The main reason to do it publicly is so that if the volunteer responds by saying that he won't be able to do the job anymore, there's a context established for your next public post: a request for a new volunteer to fill that role. Sometimes, a volunteer is unable to do the job he's taken on, but is either unaware or unwilling to admit that fact. Of course, anyone may have trouble at first, especially if the responsibility is complex. However, if someone just isn't working out in the task he's taken on, even after everyone else has given all the help and suggestions they can, then the only solution is for him to step aside and let someone new have a try. And if the person doesn't see this himself, he'll need to be told. There's basically only one way to handle this, I think, but it's a multistep process and each step is important. First, make sure you're not crazy. Privately talk to others in the project to see if they agree that the problem is as serious as you think it is. Even if you're already positive, this serves the purpose of letting others know that you're considering asking the person to step aside. Usually no one will object to that—they'll just be happy you're taking on the awkward task, so they don't have to! Next, privately contact the volunteer in question and tell him, kindly but directly, about the problems you see. Be specific, giving as many examples as possible. Make sure to point out how people had tried to help, but that the problems persisted without improving. You should expect this email to take a long time to write, but with this sort of message, if you don't back up what you're saying, you shouldn't say it at all. Say that you would like to find a new volunteer to fill the role, but also point out that there are many other ways to contribute to the project. At this stage, don't say that you've talked to others about it; nobody likes to be told that people were conspiring behind his back. There are a few different ways things can go after that. The most likely reaction is that he'll agree with you, or at any rate not want to argue, and be willing to step down. In that case, suggest that he make the announcement himself, and then you can follow up with a post seeking a replacement. Or, he may agree that there have been problems, but ask for a little more time (or for one more chance, in the case of discrete-task roles like release manager). How you react to that is a judgement call, but whatever you do, don't agree to it just because you feel like you can't refuse such a reasonable request. That would prolong the agony, not lessen it. There is often a very good reason to refuse the request, namely, that there have already been plenty of chances, and that's how things got to where they are now. Here's how I put it in a mail to someone who was filling the release manager role but was not really suited for it:
> If you wish to replace me with some one else, I will gracefully > pass on the role to who comes next. I have one request, which > I hope is not unreasonable. I would like to attempt one more > release in an effort to prove myself. I totally understand the desire (been there myself!), but in this case, we shouldn't do the "one more try" thing. This isn't the first or second release, it's the sixth or seventh... And for all of those, I know you've been dissatisfied with the results too (because we've talked about it before). So we've effectively already been down the one-more-try route. Eventually, one of the tries has to be the last one... I think [this past release] should be it.
In the worst case, the volunteer may disagree outright. Then you have to accept that things are going to be awkward and plow ahead anyway. Now is the time to say that you talked to other people about it (but still don't say who until you have their permission, since those conversations were confidential), and that you don't think it's good for the project to continue as things are. Be insistent, but never threatening. Keep in mind that with most roles, the transition really happens the moment someone new starts doing the job, not the moment the old person stops doing it. For example, if the contention is over the role of, say, issue manager, at any point you and other influential people in the project can solicit for a new issue manager. It's not actually necessary that the person who was previously doing it stop doing it, as long as he does not sabotage (deliberately or otherwise) the efforts of the new volunteer. Which leads to a tempting thought: instead of asking the person to resign, why not just frame it as a matter of getting him some help? Why not just have two issue managers, or patch managers, or whatever the role is? Although that may sound nice in theory, it is generally not a good idea. What makes the manager roles work—what makes them useful, in fact—is their centralization. Those things that can be done in a decentralized fashion are usually already being done that way. Having two people fill one managerial role introduces communications overhead between those two people, as well as the potential for slippery displacement of responsibility ("I thought you brought the first aid kit!" "Me? No, I thought you brought the first aid kit!"). Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes two people work extremely well together, or the nature of the role is such that it can easily be spread across multiple people. But these are not likely to be of much use when you see someone flailing in a role he is not suited for. If he'd appreciated the problem in the first place, he would have sought such help before now. In any case, it would be disrespectful to let someone waste time continuing to do a job no one will pay attention to. The most important factor in asking someone to step down is privacy: giving him the space to make a decision without feeling like others are watching and waiting. I once made the mistake—an obvious mistake, in retrospect—of mailing all three parties at once in order to ask Subversion's release manager to step aside in favor of two other volunteers. I'd already talked to the two new people privately, and knew that they were willing to take on the responsibility. So I thought, naïvely and somewhat insensitively, that I'd save some time and hassle by sending one mail to all of them to initiate the transition. I assumed that the current release manager was already fully aware of the problems and would see the reasonableness of my point immediately. I was wrong. The current release manager was very offended, and rightly so. It's one thing to be asked to hand off the job; it's another thing to be asked that in front of the people you'll hand it off to. Once I got it through my head why he was offended, I apologized. He eventually did step aside gracefully, and continues to be involved with the project today. But his feelings were hurt, and needless to say, this was not the most auspicious of beginnings for the new volunteers either.
Committers As the only formally distinct class of people found in all open source projects, committers deserve special attention here. Committers are an unavoidable concession to discrimination in a system which is otherwise as non-discriminatory as possible. But "discrimination" is not meant as a pejorative here. The function committers perform is utterly necessary, and I do not think a project could succeed without it. Quality control requires, well, control. There are always many people who feel competent to make changes to a program, and some smaller number who actually are. The project cannot rely on people's own judgement; it must impose standards and grant commit access only to those who meet themNote that the commit access means something a bit different in decentralized version control systems, where anyone can set up a repository that is linked into the project, and give themselves commit access to that repository. Nevertheless, the concept of commit access still applies: "commit access" is shorthand for "the right to make changes to the code that will ship in the group's next release of the software." In centralized version control systems, this means having direct commit access; in decentralized ones, it means having one's changes pulled into the main distribution by default. It is the same idea either way; the mechanics by which it is realized are not terribly important.. On the other hand, having people who can commit changes directly working side-by-side with people who cannot sets up an obvious power dynamic. That dynamic must be managed so that it does not harm the project. In in , we already discussed the mechanics of considering new committers. Here we will look at the standards by which potential new committers should be judged, and how this process should be presented to the larger community. Choosing Committers In the Subversion project, we choose committers primarily on the Hippocratic Principle: first, do no harm. Our main criterion is not technical skill or even knowledge of the code, but merely that the committer show good judgement. Judgement can mean simply knowing what not to take on. A person might post only small patches, fixing fairly simple problems in the code; but if the patches apply cleanly, do not contain bugs, and are mostly in accord with the project's log message and coding conventions, and there are enough patches to show a clear pattern, then an existing committer will usually propose that person for commit access. If at least three people say yes, and no one objects, then the offer is made. True, we might have no evidence that the person is able to solve complex problems in all areas of the code base, but that does not matter: the person has made it clear that he is capable of at least judging his own abilities. Technical skills can be learned (and taught), but judgement, for the most part, cannot. Therefore, it is the one thing you want to make sure a person has before you give him commit access. When a new committer proposal does provoke a discussion, it is usually not about technical ability, but rather about the person's behavior on the mailing lists or in IRC. Sometimes someone shows technical skill and an ability to work within the project's formal guidelines, yet is also consistently belligerent or uncooperative in public forums. That's a serious concern; if the person doesn't seem to shape up over time, even in response to hints, then we won't add him as a committer no matter how skilled he is. In a volunteer group, social skills, or the ability to "play well in the sandbox", are as important as raw technical ability. Because everything is under version control, the penalty for adding a committer you shouldn't have is not so much the problems it could cause in the code (review would spot those quickly anyway), but that it might eventually force the project to revoke the person's commit access—an action that is never pleasant and can sometimes be confrontational. Many projects insist that the potential committer demonstrate a certain level of technical expertise and persistence, by submitting some number of nontrivial patches—that is, not only do these projects want to know that the person will do no harm, they want to know that she is likely to do good across the code base. This is fine, but be careful that it doesn't start to turn committership into a matter of membership in an exclusive club. The question to keep in everyone's mind should be "What will bring the best results for the code?" not "Will we devalue the social status associated with committership by admitting this person?" The point of commit access is not to reinforce people's self-worth, it's to allow good changes to enter the code with a minimum of fuss. If you have 100 committers, 10 of whom make large changes on a regular basis, and the other 90 of whom just fix typos and small bugs a few times a year, that's still better than having only the 10. Revoking Commit Access The first thing to be said about revoking commit access is: try not to be in that situation in the first place. Depending on whose access is being revoked, and why, the discussions around such an action can be very divisive. Even when not divisive, they will be a time-consuming distraction from productive work. However, if you must do it, the discussion should be had privately among the same people who would be in a position to vote for granting that person whatever flavor of commit access they currently have. The person herself should not be included. This contradicts the usual injunction against secrecy, but in this case it's necessary. First, no one would be able to speak freely otherwise. Second, if the motion fails, you don't necessarily want the person to know it was ever considered, because that could open up questions ("Who was on my side? Who was against me?") that lead to the worst sort of factionalism. In certain rare circumstances, the group may want someone to know that revocation of commit access is or was being considered, as a warning, but this openness should be a decision the group makes. No one should ever, on her own initiative, reveal information from a discussion and ballot that others assumed were secret. Once someone's access is revoked, that fact is unavoidably public (see later in this chapter), so try to be as tactful as you can in how it is presented to the outside world. Partial Commit Access Some projects offer gradations of commit access. For example, there might be contributors whose commit access gives them free rein in the documentation, but who do not commit to the code itself. Common areas for partial commit access include documentation, translations, binding code to other programming languages, specification files for packaging (e.g., RedHat RPM spec files, etc.), and other places where a mistake will not result in a problem for the core project. Since commit access is not only about committing, but about being part of an electorate (see in ), the question naturally arises: what can the partial committers vote on? There is no one right answer; it depends on what sorts of partial commit domains your project has. In Subversion we've kept things fairly simple: a partial committer can vote on matters confined exclusively to that committer's domain, and not on anything else. Importantly, we do have a mechanism for casting advisory votes (essentially, the committer writes "+0" or "+1 (non-binding)" instead of just "+1" on the ballot). There's no reason to silence people entirely just because their vote isn't formally binding. Full committers can vote on anything, just as they can commit anywhere, and only full committers vote on adding new committers of any kind. In practice, though, the ability to add new partial committers is usually delegated: any full committer can "sponsor" a new partial committer, and partial committers in a domain can often essentially choose new committers for that same domain (this is especially helpful in making translation work run smoothly). Your project may need a slightly different arrangement, depending on the nature of the work, but the same general principles apply to all projects. Each committer should be able to vote on matters that fall within the scope of her commit access, and not on matters outside that, and votes on procedural questions should default to the full committers, unless there's some reason (as decided by the full committers) to widen the electorate. Regarding enforcement of partial commit access: it's often best not to have the version control system enforce partial commit domains, even if it can. See in for the reasons why. Dormant Committers Some projects automatically remove people's commit access if they go a certain amount of time (say, a year) without committing anything. I think this is usually unhelpful and even counterproductive, for two reasons. First, it may tempt some people into committing acceptable but unnecessary changes, just to prevent their commit access from expiring. Second, it doesn't really serve any purpose. If the main criterion for granting commit access is good judgement, then why assume someone's judgement would deteriorate just because he's away from the project for a while? Even if he completely vanishes for years, not looking at the code or following development discussions, when he reappears he'll know how out of touch he is, and act accordingly. You trusted his judgement before, so why not trust it always? If high school diplomas do not expire, then commit access certainly shouldn't. Sometimes a committer may ask to be removed, or to be explicitly marked as dormant in the list of committers (see below for more about that list). In these cases, the project should accede to the person's wishes, of course. Avoid Mystery Although the discussions around adding any particular new committer must be confidential, the rules and procedures themselves need not be secret. In fact, it's best to publish them, so people realize that the committers are not some mysterious Star Chamber, closed off to mere mortals, but that anyone can join simply by posting good patches and knowing how to handle herself in the community. In the Subversion project, we put this information right in the developer guidelines document, since the people most likely to be interested in how commit access is granted are those thinking of contributing code to the project. In addition to publishing the procedures, publish the actual list of committers. The traditional place for this is a file called MAINTAINERS or COMMITTERS in the top level of the project's source code tree. It should list all the full committers first, followed by the various partial commit domains and the members of each domain. Each person should be listed by name and email address, though the address can be encoded to prevent spam (see in ) if the person prefers that. Since the distinction between full commit and partial commit access is obvious and well defined, it is proper for the list to make that distinction too. Beyond that, the list should not try to indicate the informal distinctions that inevitably arise in a project, such as who is particularly influential and how. It is a public record, not an acknowledgments file. List committers either in alphabetical order, or in the order in which they arrived. Credit Credit is the primary currency of the free software world. Whatever people may say about their motivations for participating in a project, I don't know any developers who would be happy doing all their work anonymously, or under someone else's name. There are tangible reasons for this: one's reputation in a project roughly governs how much influence one has, and participation in an open source project can also indirectly have monetary value, because some employers now look for it on resumés. There are also intangible reasons, perhaps even more powerful: people simply want to be appreciated, and instinctively look for signs that their work was recognized by others. The promise of credit is therefore one of best motivators the project has. When small contributions are acknowledged, people come back to do more. One of the most important features of collaborative development software (see ) is that it keeps accurate records of who did what, when. Wherever possible, use these existing mechanisms to make sure that credit is distributed accurately, and be specific about the nature of the contribution. Don't just write "Thanks to J. Random <>" if instead you can write "Thanks to J. Random <> for the bug report and reproduction recipe" in a log message. In Subversion, we have an informal but consistent policy of crediting the reporter of a bug in either the issue filed, if there is one, or the log message of the commit that fixes the bug, if not. A quick survey of Subversion commit logs up to commit number 14525 shows that about 10% of commits give credit to someone by name and email address, usually the person who reported or analyzed the bug fixed by that commit. Note that this person is different from the developer who actually made the commit, whose name is already recorded automatically by the version control system. Of the 80-odd full and partial committers Subversion has today, 55 were credited in the commit logs (usually multiple times) before they became committers themselves. This does not, of course, prove that being credited was a factor in their continued involvement, but it at least sets up an atmosphere in which people know they can count on their contributions being acknowledged. It is important to distinguish between routine acknowledgment and special thanks. When discussing a particular piece of code, or some other contribution someone made, it is fine to acknowledge their work. For example, saying "Daniel's recent changes to the delta code mean we can now implement feature X" simultaneously helps people identify which changes you're talking about and acknowledges Daniel's work. On the other hand, posting solely to thank Daniel for the delta code changes serves no immediate practical purpose. It doesn't add any information, since the version control system and other mechanisms have already recorded the fact that he made the changes. Thanking everyone for everything would be distracting and ultimately information-free, since thanks are effective largely by how much they stand out from the default, background level of favorable comment going on all the time. This does not mean, of course, that you should never thank people. Just make sure to do it in ways that tend not to lead to credit inflation. Following these guidelines will help: The more ephemeral the forum, the more free you should feel to express thanks there. For example, thanking someone for their bugfix in passing during an IRC conversation is fine, as is an aside in an email devoted mainly to other topics. But don't post an email solely to thank someone, unless it's for a truly unusual feat. Likewise, don't clutter the project's web pages with expressions of gratitude. Once you start that, it'll never be clear when or where to stop. And never put thanks into comments in the code; that would only be a distraction from the primary purpose of comments, which is to help the reader understand the code. The less involved someone is in the project, the more appropriate it is to thank her for something she did. This may sound counterintuitive, but it fits with the attitude that expressing thanks is something you do when someone contributes even more than you thought she would. Thus, to constantly thank regular contributors for doing what they normally do would be to express a lower expectation of them than they have of themselves. If anything, you want to aim for the opposite effect! There are occasional exceptions to this rule. It's acceptable to thank someone for fulfilling his expected role when that role involves temporary, intense efforts from time to time. The canonical example is the release manager, who goes into high gear around the time of each release, but otherwise lies dormant (dormant as a release manager, in any case—he may also be an active developer, but that's a different matter). As with criticism and crediting, gratitude should be specific. Don't thank people just for being great, even if they are. Thank them for something they did that was out of the ordinary, and for bonus points, say exactly why what they did was so great. In general, there is always a tension between making sure that people's individual contributions are recognized, and making sure the project is a group effort rather than a collection of individual glories. Just remain aware of this tension and try to err on the side of group, and things won't get out of hand. Forks In in , we saw how the potential to fork has important effects on how projects are governed. But what happens when a fork actually occurs? How should you handle it, and what effects can you expect it to have? Conversely, when should you initiate a fork? The answers depend on what kind of fork it is. Some forks are due to amicable but irreconcilable disagreements about the direction of the project; perhaps more are due to both technical disagreements and interpersonal conflicts. Of course, it's not always possible to tell the difference between the two, as technical arguments may involve personal elements as well. What all forks have in common is that one group of developers (or sometimes even just one developer) has decided that the costs of working with some or all of the others now outweigh the benefits. Once a project forks, there is no definitive answer to the question of which fork is the "true" or "original" project. People will colloquially talk of fork F coming out of project P, as though P is continuing unchanged down some natural path while F diverges into new territory, but this is, in effect, a declaration of how that particular observer feels about it. It is fundamentally a matter of perception: when a large enough percentage of observers agree, the assertion starts to become true. It is not the case that there is an objective truth from the outset, one that we are only imperfectly able to perceive at first. Rather, the perceptions are the objective truth, since ultimately a project—or a fork—is an entity that exists only in people's minds anyway. If those initiating the fork feel that they are sprouting a new branch off the main project, the perception question is resolved immediately and easily. Everyone, both developers and users, will treat the fork as a new project, with a new name (perhaps based on the old name, but easily distinguishable from it), a separate web site, and a separate philosophy or goal. Things get messier, however, when both sides feel they are the legitimate guardians of the original project and therefore have the right to continue using the original name. If there is some organization with trademark rights to the name, or legal control over the domain or web pages, that usually resolves the issue by fiat: that organization will decide who is the project and who is the fork, because it holds all the cards in a public relations war. Naturally, things rarely get that far: since everyone already knows what the power dynamics are, they will avoid fighting a battle whose outcome is known in advance, and just jump straight to the end. Fortunately, in most cases there is little doubt as to which is the project and which is the fork, because a fork is, in essence, a vote of confidence. If more than half of the developers are in favor of whatever course the fork proposes to take, usually there is no need to fork—the project can simply go that way itself, unless it is run as a dictatorship with a particularly stubborn dictator. On the other hand, if fewer than half of the developers are in favor, the fork is a clearly minority rebellion, and both courtesy and common sense indicate that it should think of itself as the divergent branch rather than the main line. Handling a Fork If someone threatens a fork in your project, keep calm and remember your long-term goals. The mere existence of a fork isn't what hurts a project; rather, it's the loss of developers and users. Your real aim, therefore, is not to squelch the fork, but to minimize these harmful effects. You may be mad, you may feel that the fork was unjust and uncalled for, but expressing that publicly can only alienate undecided developers. Instead, don't force people to make exclusive choices, and be as cooperative as is practicable with the fork. To start with, don't remove someone's commit access in your project just because he decided to work on the fork. Work on the fork doesn't mean that person has suddenly lost his competence to work on the original project; committers before should remain committers afterward. Beyond that, you should express your desire to remain as compatible as possible with the fork, and say that you hope developers will port changes between the two whenever appropriate. If you have administrative access to the project's servers, publicly offer the forkers infrastructure help at startup time. For example, offer them a complete, deep-history copy of the version control repository, if there's no other way for them to get it, so that they don't have to start off without historical data (this may not be necessary depending on the version control system). Ask them if there's anything else they need, and provide it if you can. Bend over backward to show that you are not standing in the way, and that you want the fork to succeed or fail on its own merits and nothing else. The reason to do all this—and do it publicly—is not to actually help the fork, but to persuade developers that your side is a safe bet, by appearing as non-vindictive as possible. In war it sometimes makes sense (strategic sense, if not human sense) to force people to choose sides, but in free software it almost never does. In fact, after a fork some developers often openly work on both projects, and do their best to keep the two compatible. These developers help keep the lines of communication open after the fork. They allow your project to benefit from interesting new features in the fork (yes, the fork may have things you want), and also increase the chances of a merger down the road. Sometimes a fork becomes so successful that, even though it was regarded even by its own instigators as a fork at the outset, it becomes the version everybody prefers, and eventually supplants the original by popular demand. A famous instance of this was the GCC/EGCS fork. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC, formerly the GNU C Compiler) is the most popular open source native-code compiler, and also one of the most portable compilers in the world. Due to disagreements between the GCC's official maintainers and Cygnus Software,Now part of RedHat (). one of GCC's most active developer groups, Cygnus created a fork of GCC called EGCS. The fork was deliberately non-adversarial: the EGCS developers did not, at any point, try to portray their version of GCC as a new official version. Instead, they concentrated on making EGCS as good as possible, incorporating patches at a faster rate than the official GCC maintainers. EGCS gained in popularity, and eventually some major operating system distributors decided to package EGCS as their default compiler instead of GCC. At this point, it became clear to the GCC maintainers that holding on to the "GCC" name while everyone switched to the EGCS fork would burden everyone with a needless name change, yet do nothing to prevent the switchover. So GCC adopted the EGCS codebase, and there is once again a single GCC, but greatly improved because of the fork. This example shows why you cannot always regard a fork as an unadulteratedly bad thing. A fork may be painful and unwelcome at the time, but you cannot necessarily know whether it will succeed. Therefore, you and the rest of the project should keep an eye on it, and be prepared not only to absorb features and code where possible, but in the most extreme case to even join the fork if it gains the bulk of the project's mindshare. Of course, you will often be able to predict a fork's likelihood of success by seeing who joins it. If the fork is started by the project's biggest complainer and joined by a handful of disgruntled developers who weren't behaving constructively anyway, they've essentially solved a problem for you by forking, and you probably don't need to worry about the fork taking momentum away from the original project. But if you see influential and respected developers supporting the fork, you should ask yourself why. Perhaps the project was being overly restrictive, and the best solution is to adopt into the mainline project some or all of the actions contemplated by the fork—in essence, to avoid the fork by becoming it. Initiating a Fork All the advice here assumes that you are forking as a last resort. Exhaust all other possibilities before starting a fork. Forking almost always means losing developers, with only an uncertain promise of gaining new ones later. It also means starting out with competition for users' attention: everyone who's about to download the software has to ask themselves: "Hmm, do I want that one or the other one?" Whichever one you are, the situation is messy, because a question has been introduced that wasn't there before. Some people maintain that forks are healthy for the software ecosystem as a whole, by a standard natural selection argument: the fittest will survive, which means that, in the end, everyone gets better software. This may be true from the ecosystem's point of view, but it's not true from the point of view of any individual project. Most forks do not succeed, and most projects are not happy to be forked. A corollary is that you should not use the threat of a fork as an extremist debating technique—"Do things my way or I'll fork the project!"—because everyone is aware that a fork that fails to attract developers away from the original project is unlikely to survive long. All observers—not just developers, but users and operating system packagers too—will make their own judgement about which side to choose. You should therefore appear extremely reluctant to fork, so that if you finally do it, you can credibly claim it was the only route left. Do not neglect to take all factors into account in evaluating the potential success of your fork. For example, if many of the developers on a project have the same employer, then even if they are disgruntled and privately in favor of a fork, they are unlikely to say so out loud if they know that their employer is against it. Many free software programmers like to think that having a free license on the code means no one company can dominate development. It is true that the license is, in an ultimate sense, a guarantor of freedom—if others want badly enough to fork the project, and have the resources to do so, they can. But in practice, some projects' development teams are mostly funded by one entity, and there is no point pretending that that entity's support doesn't matter. If it is opposed to the fork, its developers are unlikely to take part, even if they secretly want to. If you still conclude that you must fork, line up support privately first, then announce the fork in a non-hostile tone. Even if you are angry at, or disappointed with, the current maintainers, don't say that in the message. Just dispassionately state what led you to the decision to fork, and that you mean no ill will toward the project from which you're forking. Assuming that you do consider it a fork (as opposed to an emergency preservation of the original project), emphasize that you're forking the code and not the name, and choose a name that does not conflict with the project's name. You can use a name that contains or refers to the original name, as long as it does not open the door to identity confusion. Of course it's fine to explain prominently on the fork's home page that it descends from the original program, and even that it hopes to supplant it. Just don't make users' lives harder by forcing them to untangle an identity dispute. Finally, you can get things started on the right foot by automatically granting all committers of the original project commit access to the fork, including even those who openly disagreed with the need for a fork. Even if they never use the access, your message is clear: there are disagreements here, but no enemies, and you welcome code contributions from any competent source.