Thank you. I've set up user "<>" with password "<>", for the ProducingOSS Subversion repository: The <> translation area is here:<> If you're not familiar with Subversion, see, or see (Or just post to the mailing list for help -- see below about the list.) Please note that your commit access applies to the entire repository. While most of your commits will probably be in the <> area, if you see a mistake elsewhere, for example in the English text, you should feel free to correct it. Everything's under version control, so there's no need to be too cautious :-). If you want a different password, you can change it here: (You'll need the old password to get in, of course.) You're also subscribed to the <> mailing list now. You'll get a separate automated message about that. If you have any questions, just mail the list. I'm on the list and will see your questions. After you make your first commits to the repository, we'll add the translation to the list at Finally, please note that if Subversion isn't convenient for you, we can find some other method of working. For example, the French translation team decided to use Framalang to collaborate on their translation ( because it was easier for them. So Subversion is simply one possibility; we will work with you to find something else if you need. Thanks! -Karl