ASTROCACHE Dedicated to the inpiring Genius Loci Multicache overview: ------------------- Visit four stars, gathering pieces of a starmap: (Saved in images/starmap.gif) Four stars are: altair, centauri, ceti, sirius Starmap ultimately leads to Sun, the final cache at the "center" of the map. Somehow "overlay" the 4 stars on Chicago. Separate parks would be perfect. Goals: ----- * teach astronomical facts! learn about our starry neighbors! Useful URLs found so far: ------------------------ Chicago Park District's history: Zombeck's Handbook of Astronomical Data: Things that make Genius Loci Caches Great ----------------------------------------- * cache is often a "decoy" camoflouged in plain sight. floating duck, fake stump, fake cross, fake knob in gazebo, fake bug * often educational/historical indian trail trees. railroad robbery site, famous car crash site * puzzle-oriented - multicache: "count posts around the tree." (common technique: examine physical details of one site to get coords for the next) - word-based riddles that allude to a location via local landmark. (fox and bee) - poetry that instructs how to walk around a local area (the bug cache)