simplejson 1.1


Simple JSON <> decoder

Performs the following translations in decoding:

JSON Python
object dict
array list
string unicode
number (int) int, long
number (real) float
true True
false False
null None

It also understands NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity as their corresponding float values, which is outside the JSON spec.


f __init__(self, encoding=None) ...

encoding determines the encoding used to interpret any str objects decoded by this instance (utf-8 by default). It has no effect when decoding unicode objects.

Note that currently only encodings that are a superset of ASCII work, strings of other encodings should be passed in as unicode.

f decode(self, s) ...

Return the Python representation of s (a str or unicode instance containing a JSON document)

f raw_decode(self, s) ...

Decode a JSON document from s (a str or unicode beginning with a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python representation and the index in s where the document ended.

This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may have extraneous data at the end.

See the source for more information.